3 Modern Affectations

…that make me want to go out into the street and slap random people in the face, just on the off-chance that they support this bullshit.

  • Gender reveal parties:  apart from maybe the grandparents, who the fucking fuck cares about someone else’s unborn baby’s gender?
  • “Hate speech”:  it was fucking iniquitous before it started becoming ingrained into law;  now it’s getting to be really toxic, as a tool for censorship and career destruction.
  • “Net Zero 2030”:  or, how to utterly ruin the global economy with quasi-religious fervor.

Feel free to add your particular contemporary triggers (another fucking burr expression in my shorts)  in Comments.

Wake Up, Lil’ Susie

…in which we see that at long last, some kind of realization is beginning to dawn that the Great Multicultural Assimilation Project is not living up to its promise.  From Brit HomeSec Suella (Susie) Braverman:

“Uncontrolled immigration, inadequate integration, and a misguided dogma of multiculturalism have proven a toxic combination for Europe over the last few decades. I’m not the first to point this out. In 2010, Angela Merkel gave a speech in which she acknowledged that multiculturalism had utterly failed, and then, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British PM David Cameron echoed similar sentiments shortly thereafter.

“Multiculturalism makes no demands of the incomer to integrate. It has failed because it allowed people to come to our society and live parallel lives in it. They could be in the society but not of the society, and in extreme cases, they could pursue lives aimed at undermining the stability and threatening the security of our society.”

Yeah, like nobody of sane mind could have seen this coming.

Meanwhile on the other side of the Channel:

Germany plans to halve the federal aid it allocates for states to cover expenses of receiving and integrating refugees next year as part of budget-tightening amid soaring inflation after years of generous spending.

And why so?

Germany has ‘hit the limit’ of the number of migrants the country can take, the country’s president Frank-Walter Steinmeier has warned. 

Steinmeier said that the fact that a third of all migrants who reached the EU in the first six months of this year went through Germany first means the nation, ‘like Italy, is at the limit of its capabilities’. 

His warning comes seven years after Steinmeier called for ‘open borders’ in a move that saw a million people enter Germany in 2015 and 2016.

Yeah, maybe that wasn’t such a good idea, Frank-Wally old chap, especially as those newbie “citizens” don’t have the exactly the same ideas as yer average Volksdeutsches when it comes to  things like robbery, murder, rape and similar forms of criminality — not to mention those other little peccadilloes like their savage treatment of women, honor killings, religious intolerance and tribalism.

Next thing the Germans (and Brits) will be re-commissioning nuclear power stations and overturning the Duracell car mandates.  I await such developments with bated breath, but I’m not holding my breath.

Such profound stupidity, especially when encased in law, takes a long while to be tossed out.

As we Over Here are going to be finding out soon.

Do Something To Stop The Bastardy

A little while back I talked about how some refugee family (actual refugees) had fled Germany to homeschool their kids, because the German public school system is like our own, only worse, and they being Christian, thought they could find refuge Over Here and school their children according to their own beliefs and not in the godlessness of the public school system (as prescribed by German law).

So now they’re facing deportation because Gummint.

It’s bad enough that the German government was fucking them over — the State fucking people over has a long and storied tradition Over There — but now our Gummint is fucking them over despite the family not having broken a single U.S. law.

I urge you all to follow this link and sign the HSDLA petitionPlease.

And pass the link on to everyone you know who might support this family.  Every bit helps.

Waking Up

Insty has noted that even Ultra-Rich Asshole Bill Gates is getting a little fearful of the coming draconic enforcement of the Green New Deal (a.k.a. Net Zero 2030 and similar tropes).  Maybe he’s afraid that his corporate jet may be banned, or something.

In Virginia, the Republican (natch) VAGov is going to walk back on their similarly-stupid mandate for Duracell cars (EVs):

Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA) is looking to repeal the state’s electric vehicle mandate if his party does well in Virginia’s November elections.

A spokeswoman for the governor claimed the mandate, which adopts California‘s strict air quality standards and is designed to increase the use of electric vehicles, has had poor results in California. Virginia’s adherence to the mandate was put in place during former Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam’s administration, making Virginia one of only 17 states tied to California’s emission standards.

Wait:  seventeen states have signed on to this foolishness?

Anyway, while this other Glenn has the right idea, I’m a little miffed that he’s using the “anti-California” mantra to stop his state from falling into chaos instead of pointing out that the entire eco-frenzy is not only unsupportable (by the actual science) but also unsustainable (in terms of its implementation.

But hey, whatever works, right?

I just hope that the Virginia Republicans use this as a campaign issue, but I fear that a lot of them may not only have bought into the EV-foolishness, but even of not, be afraid to use it lest the ecofreaks and Jackals Of The Press [much overlap]  go all hair-on-fire on them.

Quote Of The Day

From Glenn Reynolds:

“At some point, the government’s behavior is sufficiently illegitimate that people will start acting outside of the usual channels. We’re getting dangerously close to that point, and our feckless overclass either doesn’t know, or doesn’t care, or actively wants that to happen.”

He’s talking specifically about the attempt to muzzle Trump for the 2024 election, but in fact you could apply it to pretty much everything they’re doing right now, whether it’s gun control, primary school education, destruction of the oil industry or [fill in the blank].

New Addiction

Okay, which one of you bastards mentioned author Mick Herron as a decent replacement for John Sandford in the “guilty reading pleasures” department?

Because I tried the first book of Herron’s Slough House series (Slow Horses), and then blew through the other seven in just over as many days, so much did I enjoy the story.

Just as background:  when agents of Britishland’s MI5 screw up, they aren’t fired, but sent into a backwater office (Slough House) to do horribly mundane jobs (e.g. “find out how many potential terrorists there are in the country based on their book withdrawals of [unspecified] dangerous books from public libraries”), the results of which are sent back to Regent’s Park (MI5 Head Office), and promptly ignored.

One might think that there are similarities to the eminence grise of espionage writers, John le Carré, but one would be wrong.  Compared to George Smiley, the head of Slough House (Jackson Lamb) is an anarchic bombthrower, implacably determined to defeat the country’s enemies (that would be MI5, the Foreign Office and MI6), and does so with a cunning, underhanded skill that would defeat Smiley in a single chapter.

As for the denizens of Slough House, they are a bunch of misfits:  alcoholics, gamblers, incompetents, psychopaths, hackers and malcontents, sometimes several in the same person.  As far as “the Park” is concerned, they could all quit or die tomorrow and the Service would be the better for not having to pay their salaries anymore.  And they would all quit or die, except that their boss (Lamb) looks after them and protects them from their feral attackers (that would be MI5) with a ferocity that would please any lioness with her cubs.

That doesn’t stop him from mercilessly torturing his employees (e.g. offering his recovering alcoholic secretary a glass of Scotch every time she walks into his office), and sending them out (against regulations) to do field operations (jobs) which he knows that they will screw up, and they do, often hilariously.  However, his hapless charges are still highly-trained agents, and they often end up doing the right thing by accident.  And some of them die.  And by the way, they all hate each other.

I’ve just finished the last in the series (Bad Actors), and I’m going to re-read them all after a decent interval (a week or so).  At one point, New Wife asked me why I kept bursting into fits of laughter, and my only response was:  “The dialogue.”

And by the way, the Slough House building is a character all to itself.

It’s seriously good stuff.  Read it at your peril.

Next up for me: the Oxford series, by the same author.