Down The Blue Sinkhole

Illinois has joined California (and not for the first time) in their blue-state legislative insanity, and IlGov Fatboi is leading the charge:

Starting January 1st, 2024, Illinois landlords will be required to rent or sell property to illegal aliens. Illinois Democrat Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed SB 1817 into law in late June, which will add “protections in the Illinois Human Rights Act for housing regarding immigration status protection and discriminatory advertising.”

Did I mention that Illinois also passed legislation, which Pritzker also gleefully signed into law, extending standard driver’s license privileges to illegal aliens?

Illinois Democrat State Sen. Ann Gillespie led the effort to expand housing rights to illegal aliens, absurdly claiming that the bill will ensure that illegals aren’t “unjustly denied housing.”

“Someone’s background should not disqualify them from buying or renting property.”

Almost without reflection, I can think of five reasons why illegal residence (which has nothing to do with “background”, by the way) is a very valid reason for disqualification.

To my Ill-Annoys Readers (and I think you know who I’m talking to):  it’s time to leave the state, or actively start seeking employment- and residential opportunities elsewhere so that you can.  Your state is fucked, California-not-so-lite, and that’s the beginning and end of it.  As I say to recalcitrant South Africans:  you don’t want to be in the line for a seat on that last helicopter on the rooftop;  get out while you can.

Look, I know that it’s not an easy decision:  I myself decided to flee Chicago only after much thought, soul-searching and anguish, especially as Connie really didn’t want to leave.  We even looked at northern Michigan for a while (I wouldn’t now, but that’s a different discussion), but eventually decided on Texas because Texas.

Ultimately, we were driven out by the combination of horrible gun laws, high taxes and a Marxist congressional representative (Jan Schakowski), but even when we lived in the NW burbs, our state senator was… the above-mentioned Ann Gillespie.  All those factors forced us to leave.  And that was then.  Now?  Huh.  Like a flash.

Stupid French Nonsense

I know, there’s a ton (not tonne) of redundancy in the title, but bear with me.

Over at The Divine Sarah’s place, some guy spouts off about the foul Napoleonic metric system, and of course I agree with all of it.

Engineers (of whom there are a few who will read this) will strongly disagree, but I live in a world of my own stuff and am not making things for other people.  And in that world, I can certainly see this:

If you had to estimate the dimensions of a room without the benefit of a tape measure, you might walk its perimeter heel to toe, counting your steps.

I cannot tell you how often I’ve done this, either for the above purpose or to see whether a carpet will fit into a room whose dimensions I know in feet and inches.  Ditto when installing shelves on a wall, or estimating a smaller space (my hand, with fingers fully splayed, measures just over eight inches from pinkie to thumb tip).  I have small (8.5 shoe size) feet, which measure ten inches long from heel to big toe, or just over eleven inches if wearing my Minnetonka moccasins.  I can measure distance because my step is about a yard (and I have no idea what that is in meters because a meter is much longer than my step).  I’d rather use arshins or schritten than meters because they make more sense (about a step, in each case).

In other words, I don’t need to carry a frigging tape measure inscribed with inscrutable and meaningless units because I already have measuring devices on hand, so to speak.  (And yes, if I know inches but am presented with centimeters, I can multiply / divide by 2.5 as needed because I’m not an idiot, and I don’t care about the missing .04 cm because I don’t have OCD.)  I know that my measurements are somewhat approximate, but in my world that does me no harm.  If it’s likely to, then I’ll use a tape measure (in Imperial/U.S. units*) for the precision required.

And yes, I know that some of the Imperial measurements are loony — gills, furlongs, chains, pecks and so on — but when last did anyone use those?

Engineers, scientists and drug dealers can use all the grams, milliliters or centimeters they need.  The only time I “need” the metric system is when I’m looking at bullet diameters, and I’m okay with that.  (And on the same topic, grains make more sense than milligrams.)

Otherwise, those stupid French measurements can kiss my ass.  Bloody Europeans are just a bunch of poxy control freaks, and I want no part of it, or them**.

*I have no idea why the U.S. gallon is smaller than the Imperial, but even then I can live with it.  When I’m in Britishland, it requires less adjustment in my thinking than it takes to drive on the left vs. the right side of the road.

**except when it comes to cheese or goulasch.

Here We Go Again

…and from the Usual Suspects, the usual stupid questions:

Barack Obama has questioned why the Titan sub tragedy that killed five men has received wall-to-wall media coverage – while a boat sinking with 700 refugees on board has been ignored.

Why?  I’ll tell you why:  nobody cares about African peasants drowning because a.) they’re peasants and b.) it happens all the time.

Yeah, it’s unfair and blah blah blah “equity” yadda yadda “untenable”, but the fact is that a tragedy involving wealthy people visiting arguably the most famous (and tragic) shipwreck in history thousands of feet below the surface is more newsworthy than the drownings of (yet another) boatload of illegal immigrants — I’m sorry, I mean undocumented travelers / refugees / asylum-seekers — who are invading Europe on a daily basis.

And the final thing:  not everything is about being Black, you disgusting race hustler.

“Pride” Month

So June is “Pride Month”, according to Deviants International?

Tell you what:  you can have this one month for your “pride”, but then I reserve the other eleven for myself — specifically, anger (wrath).

Which will be directed at you lot.  24/7.

Let’s start with your appropriation of something beautiful:

…and turning it into a symbol of sexual deviancy.

More to come.

Moral Perspective

This is one of those “sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander” situations, methinks.  Some raving loony Lefty professor [multiple redundancies]  said this about a guy who killed a Trump supporter in (where else?) Portland:

“He killed a fascist. I see nothing wrong with it, at least from a moral perspective.”


“The problem with violence is that it usually, though not always, is a bad idea. That I agree with.” 

So according to this asshole, murdering a “fascist” is always okay — by his definition of “fascist”, of course.  In this case, therefore, it’s not a bad idea.

Fair enough.

How about Commies, then?  From a “moral perspective”, would it be okay to kill one of them?

I don’t think people like him actually realize how much he and his type are hated by conservatives (we are not fascists, though, except by his own fevered imagination).  Remember:  it’s always the Left who bring on the pogroms, gulags and mass executions.  They’re the death-seekers, not us.

I would humbly suggest that come The Glorious Day, a seat on Air Pinochet’s Flight 001 be reserved for this tool, maybe next to George Soros.  They can discuss the morality of their perspective on the way down.

The best part about the mope who killed the Trump supporter is that he’s now in the Pantheon of Commie Martyrs.  If ever there’s an institution which needs massive expansion, it’s that one.

Speaking from a moral perspective, of course.

A Rental By Any Other Name

…smells foul.  Try this bastardy on for size:

The growing “features on demand” (FoD) trend in the auto industry is upsetting American car owners, who are growing increasingly displeased with having to pay for extra car features via subscription. 69 percent of respondents to a recent survey indicated that they would probably switch car brands if they were forced to pay monthly fees for features like heated seats.

As far as I’m concerned, they can take their “FoD” and “FOAD” (fuck off and die).

Of course, cars aren’t expensive enough, so the manufacturers have to find other ways to suck blood cash from their customers.

And they can’t be stopped:

Subscription fees have been incorporated into automakers’ financial models and projected future earnings. Wall Street analysts and investors believe these extra funds will increase future profits and stock prices.

So basically, we’re fucked, then.

Unless, of course, we don’t buy any of their cars or if we do, we shun those oh-so necessary doodads like heated seats, GPS and “climate control” (what we used to call heating and a/c).  Ditto “smart” key fobs and all the other useless and expensive shit that for some reason, we can’t seem to do without nowadays.

“Oh, you want a steering wheel with our new car?  That’ll be $75/month, because you don’t just get a wheel, you also get a built-in gear shift, controls for your FM-only radio, and a telephone (another $25/month for unlimited calls anywhere within your own zip code).  What’s that?  You just want a plain wheel, no extras?  How quaint.  Well, we don’t offer those anymore, on the advice of our accountants.  Now let’s talk about the monthly cost of ABS…”

Mother fuckers.  Motherfucking fuckers.


In fact: