Quote Of The Day

From the inimitable Sarah Hoyt:

“Humans don’t do well with no limits and nothing to strive against, and in a society where abundance does not supply the sharp sting of lack or the fear of death, we need to have other things to test ourselves against.”


Quote Of The Day

From Glenn Reynolds:

“Anti-gun groups have lots of money, lots of organization, and lots and lots of media help. What they don’t have is lots of supporters. “

…a.k.a. voters, which is what drives them crazy when they do all their “Ban this! and ban that!” screaming and nothing happens.

Quote Of The Day

From the Knuckledragger:

“One box [of coffee pods] lasts us about 3 weeks give or take a day or two, so once a month I make a run down to Gallatin to buy coffee, pay my credit union bill, then swing by Sumner Gun & Supply to buy a little something just to feel better about myself — targets, Hoppes, shit like that. You know, comfort shopping.”

I think we’ve all been there. Nothing like buying some shooting supplies to make all well with the world.

Quote Of The Day

“The only people afraid of being replaced by sex dolls are those who are already replaceable. They should work on themselves instead of whining.” — SGOTI (some guy on the Internet)

Behold the Kardashian model:

Mind you, if it conforms to the usual Kardashian standard, it’ll be used by Black guys exclusively.