Cold Hard Resolve

Of all the comments I’ve read about the Trump verdict so far, Bonchie (over at RedState) has the best take:

So now what?

Some aren’t going to like this, but the answer is to suck it up and do what it takes to win in November. Shouting at the sky, making all-caps posts on social media, and continuing to talk about how unfair everything is won’t move the needle. Trump was nominated knowing this was the likely outcome. None of this is a surprise. This is not the time to quiver. It’s the time to strike back.

This isn’t about liking Trump or not. It’s not about whether he should have been the nominee. There will be time for post-mortems after the election. Right now is the time to get up off the mat and do everything possible to make Democrats regret this for the good of the country and the credibility of the judicial system.

That, and lay in more supplies of ammo.

Because if Trump is sworn in as POTUS in January, the S may well HTF.  We won’t start it, but we may well have to finish it.

Just Stop That

From the DM”s FakeRedTop Janet Street-Porter:

While the Rishi and Keir Show bores us to death, Argentina’s chainsaw-wielding President is strutting his stuff on a rock stage

Of course, the toothy old Trotskyist thinks that this is a Bad Thing — rumor is that at some Commie conference, she once went down on Salvador Allende and Fidel Castro (having to elbow Margaret Trudeau away from the latter) — but breathes there a conservative alive who did not get a tingle at the “chainsaw-wielding President” expression?

Seems to me that Donald Trump should appropriate the term “Chainsaw President” as his own leitmotif — as long as he actually behaves like ArgyPres Milei once he’s in office and starts taking a chainsaw (metaphorically, but I can also live with literally) to the Deep State Swamp’s entrenched apparatchiks.

In fact:

Go on, Donald:  I dare ya.

Javier’s not going to mind.  (Janet Street-Porter might object to him appropriating her expression, but Commies are all about taking over someone else’s property, aren’t they, so she can fuck right off.)

There Goes The Neighborhood

So there’s going to be a General Election in Britishland on Jul 4.  From all accounts, it will be the date on which Britain declared its independence… from sane government.

This is because at the moment, polling suggests that the “Conservative” Party is going to get its ass handed to them, while the Raving Loony Labour Party is going to come to office promising all sorts of the usual Commie bullshit (Tax Teh Rich©, Nationalize Everything© etc.), as well as all the other issues so beloved of modern-day socialists:  absolute belief and support for Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©, ditto for The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©, not to mention the Encourage Lawlessness Principle©.

Don’t be surprised to see the Brexit Referendum overturned either, whereupon Britishland will once again become part of the Fourth Reich©.

I know that The Englishman is utterly despondent about all this;  I tried to contact Mr. Free Market on the topic, but he is incommunicado — no doubt busily trying to organize domicile in Monaco or Bermuda to escape the looming catastrophe.  As for the Sorensons, I do recall hearing a while back some mutterings about the advantages of life in Spain, so maybe they’re also ummm exploring their options.  Or, in a recent email from Mrs. Sor (a.k.a. The Catholic):

“You might find me and Himself as neighbors if the Conservatives lose…”

I don’t even want to think about how much I’d love that.

My other Brit Readers, of course, are welcome to share their feelings on the topic.

No Slam Dunk

As Mollie Hemingway says:

“The worst part of the Trump presidency was the hate-drenched media spewing chaos and conspiracy theories. The best part was everything else.”

Sent to me by Reader Old Texan:

At any other time, in any other place, with any other Republican candidate, charts like this would mean a 48-2 state result in the Presidential election.

This year…?

Rat, Smelling Of A

Why is Nikki Haley still running, despite thumping defeats?

I smell skulduggery.  Run with me on this one.

What if the Socialists find some way to “legally” exclude Trump from running — say, with the collusion of the Supreme Court, even?

Would DeSantis have time to get his campaign up and running again?  And if not, would Haley end up being the default Republican choice as the only “officially declared” candidate?

And if we go Full Tinfoil Hat (as Kevin Downey has done at PJM):  is the fix already in, and she knows it?

Ten years ago, I would have laughed myself off the stage for even thinking this nonsense.  But after seeing “80 Million Votes” Biden’s little game in 2020, I’m not ruling anything out anymore.