1. Maybe – maybe not. There are a few more things that have to happen in the meantime.
    Depends on VP pick.
    What Ron does over the next 4 years. and if he grows a pair.
    What Vavek does and if he still wants to be put thru the meat grinder.
    If Don Jr can raise his profile enough.
    Some other Tech Bazillionaire gets the Bug.

    A lot can happen in 4 years.

    1. “A lot can happen in 4 years.”
      Vladimir Vladimirovich forms an alliance with Saudi, Israel, and Egypt to extirpate the mullahs.
      Señor Milei brings Argentina’s credit rating back on line.
      Miniszterelnök Orbán decides that the unelected in Brussels should not run Hungary and pulls out of the EU, as well as NATO which he feels is a dying elephant.
      None of which has anything to do with The Donald being elected president or whom he picks as VP.

  2. And he’ll still be there. We could do worse.
    He’s a stiff when it comes to speaking and personality wise, but he’s done a helluva job in Florida.

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