Classic Beauty: Ingrid Pitt

I have to thank Longtime Reader Pierre (who is French, and somehow stays loyal to this rantbucket despite all my slurs on the Frogs), who pointed out to me that my Classic Beauty section has a glaring omission:  to wit, horror-movie star Ingrid Pitt.  Quite apart from her astounding beauty, which we’ll enjoy below, she is to my knowledge the only Classic Beauty who survived a Nazi concentration camp in WWII.

Anyway, here she is, in black and white:

And in living color:


Another of Pierre’s suggestions next week.  He has exquisite taste.

Old Broads

You know, when I were a lad, women in their late 50s looked like old women:  they wore old lady clothes and shoes, their hair was gray, they did things like knitting and sewing, baked cakes and stuff for their grandkids… you get my drift, I think.

Well what then, to make of these old broads?  (links in the pics)

Salma Hayek, 57

I mean, if you look closely at her hands, you can see she’s no spring chicken.  But who the hell looks at her hands?

Then there’s Item #2 on this little list:

Shania Twain, 58

Apparently, Our Shania has recently discovered the joy of walking around the house naked.  (you may go off and take that heart pill, now)

Finally — and I could do this for ages, but I have to end this sometime — there’s:

Liz Hurley, 58

Well, we know all about her, of course.

Another gin, Kim?  I think so.  I don’t think it’s healthy to take so many heart pills in a row.

Random Totty

Lessee… we’ve had cars and guns so far today.  What’s missing?

Here’s Brit ginger actress Amy Nuttall:

That’s the trifecta.

Tomorrow we will continue with the Usual Programming of insult, invective, hate speech, threats of violence and anti-government ranting.

Oh wait, tomorrow’s Friday.  Never mind.

Classic Beauty: Bettie Page

Last weekend we looked at Bunny Yeager as a model.  Today we’ll look at Bunny the photographer — and most notably at her most famous model, Bettie Page.

As Richard Corliss once described, Bettie had been the nadir of sexual exploitation:

In New York City, Page “starred” in tatty, furtive 8mm bondage loops (Dominant Betty Dances With Whip, Hobbled in Kid Leather Harness) that her Svengali, Irving Klaw, sold in plain brown wrappers at his Movie Star News shop. But in Miami, under Yeager’s congenial tutelage, Page bloomed as the girl next door with the bedroom shades up, or the beach bombshell with the seraphic grin. Between them, the Blond Bunny and brunette Bettie made nudity look both sexy and healthy.

And how:


There are millions of Bettie Page pics all over the Internet.  But the good Bettie pics are mostly those taken by Bunny Yeager.