News Roundup

Along with thum pithy commentary, ath alwayth.

too bad she can’t run for our presidency.

yeah, all those Comanche hospitals we burned, those Kiowa highways we destroyed, and let’s not even talk about the Cheyenne motor industryor this Apache theater:

I guess I missed the memo where a foreign government figurehead gets to tell people how to spend their own money.

a.k.a. the “we break it, you fix it” management style.

a.k.a the “we’ll cause your prices to rise, but you have to lower them anyway” school of economics.

to the hearty relief of airline passengers everywhere,  What a goat rodeo that was.

I think this “creative shaming” needs a little acknowledgment, not censure.  As my homies say, “Bitch had it comin’.”

I guess his (terminal) blood cancer had nothing to do with it.

in other words, “Wah wah wah I didn’t get invited even though I’m a homo and should therefore have been at the head of the line.”



And once again, we solve the eternal puzzle of why men play professional football:


News Roundup

Here we go again:

not to mention all that “undocumented shopping” going on.

doing the job that the Feddle Gummint won’t, the motherfuckers.

more like a by-product of American feminism, but whatever.

you mean, like when Trump was President?

and you’re absolutely not a fucking fascist, you rancid old bitch.

to the surprise of absolutely nobody.

you mean, Future POTUS DeSantis.

From the Dept. Of Suckage:

sad, but understandable.  Thanks for all the hard work, guys.

and if I gave a shit about the NFL or what it was doing, this would be upsetting.

And now, some more INSIGNIFICA:


And speaking of things being good enough to eat:

Call me a far right-wing extremist, then… and by the way, Bone Daddy’s “burnt ends” are addictive.

About Yesterday

This past Sunday was a rare event:  New Wife prepared her homemade fish ‘n chips, while I did my bit by drinking some  quite a bit  okay a lot of British ale.

The result of all this was that I neglected to post the regular Monday Funnies feature which, as I was going to break with tradition and make it a XXX-Monday Funnies, was probably A Good Thing.

The regular feature will resume next week.

News Roundup

News, like Nancy Pelosi’s drink problem, barely worth commentary.

once again the really interesting thing about this is that over one third of the people think that President Braindead is doing an okay job.

dog bites man news:  socialists have never known how an economy works.

oh yes it can.  Forever.

and in solidarity, I bought a box of Frosted Flakes for the first time in nearly twenty-five years.

when as any fule kno, the correct acronym is LGBTOSTFU.

I think I’d need a thousand-odd words to write that article, myself.

From the Heart Of Stone Dept.:

and stop that laughing.

Almost as good, from the Dept. Of Irony:

imagine walking in Washington D.C.  What idiots.

anyone who’s ever worked in retail will understand this one.

anyone who has ever tried to find parking in an English village will know exactly how this came about.

not surprising, as SNL hasn’t been funny since the 1990s.




Nice that we’re all here to bear witness to the Fall…


If this bullshit doesn’t set your teeth on edge and make you reach for your 1911, I don’t want to talk to you no more:

As part of President Joe Biden’s massive resettlement operation out of Afghanistan, his administration plans to resettle at least 95,000 Afghans across 46 states. The only states or territories not taking Afghans are Hawaii, South Dakota, West Virginia, Wyoming, and Washington, DC.
Wyoming is the only state in the nation where the federal government does not annually resettle refugees. That is mostly because none of the nine taxpayer-funded refugee contractors have offices in the state.
In a piece titled “One state has never taken in refugees. Will it welcome Afghans?,” the Post explores a proposal by a local Episcopal church in Casper, Wyoming, to take in Afghans. The Post interviewed a series of individuals for the piece, including those who said Afghan resettlement in Wyoming could “help with diversification” and break from their “conservative beliefs.”

I think that this would be the perfect time for Wyoming to pass a law that bans all face coverings in public.  Yes, that would include Covid face condoms and… yes,  Muslim veils.  All for reasons of public safety, of course.

Read the story from one Afghan asshole who used to live in Wyoming… I’m off to the range.

News Roundup

News presented as though it matters.

and right on cue:

and homeschoolers see their numbers increase.  Until homeschoolers are also classed as “domestic terrorists” by the DOJ.

in other news, Stevie Wonder decries the color of his car.


and if you think that the second is not a maskirovka of the former, I have a NY bridge to sell you.

and why not?  It makes the same kind of sense all his other nominations have made.

you don’t say.  And because only 40% of the population vaccinated, death and chaos will ensue.

says the man who still hasn’t realized that a) he’s pretty much irrelevant by now and b) that we’re going to ignore everything he says.

if they were, I might just register as a Republican.  As it is, though

looking for a) a conscience and b) equal treatment from the Left is a pointless exercise.

From the Heart Of Stone Department:

this could only be funnier if the passenger turned out to be the groom.

And from the Department of the Blindingly Obvious:

and in other news, Japan surrenders after A-bomb dropped on Nagasaki.

okay, we’ll just go back to calling them “mothers-to-be”, until all those pregnant men start objecting to that too.



because they want to close their money-losing magazine for good  [sic].

And as a reminder of what Playboy models used to look like:

No girly-boy can ever compete… but that’s not gonna stop the Super-Woke descendants of Hugh Hefner, is it?