Good Old Days

Prompted by Insty’s invitation to his open thread:

…let’s take a wander down Memory Lane (right-click to embiggen):

Ah yes, the good old days, when California actually produced things, and made stuff.

Misguided Rant

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this rant, as I do most that are aimed at government of any race, creed, color or nationality, but Insane Bob seems to have missed the point.

He devotes a great deal of time talking about the U.S. declaring war on Canada, e.g.:

The real danger of a war between our nations is that we both see internal security risks, and our central governments may no longer be absolutely able to bind our respective peoples to peace. Again, infantry and the population infantry is recruited from can be similar. Our unofficial irregular forces could war against Canada, and Canadian unofficial irregular forces could war against America, and it could prove quite messy. From my perspective, if my folks kill off the Canadian government, and Canadians kill off the US jerks, that would be about the nicest possible outcome. Wars are never that convenient for anyone. Better that folks don’t get that agitated.

As I see it, most ordinary Americans — if faced with the choice — would rather go to war against our own government than against Canada, present company included.

And as Mr. Free Market put it to me during a semi-drunken phone call last night:  how bad does the Canadian government have to be, to have pissed off the nicest, politest people on the planet?

They’re so nice that SoyBoy Trudeau is highly unlikely to have a Ceaușescu Moment, even though it could be argued that he deserves one:

Our own Gummint lackeys?  I’ll get back to you on that.  In the meantime:

Speed Bump

…that would be “FLAIR” F-L-A-I-R, you ignorant assholes.

This is a flare:

I know, it’s the Daily Mail  and I shouldn’t be reading it.  Then again, there’s this reason to, a.k.a. Demi Rose:

Anyway, I go there so y’all don’t have to.

News Roundup

Today’s piss-poor news is sponsored by:

gawd, I hope not.  As it is, they’re too much like Democrats for my liking.  (no link because paywall)

key word:  “Pakistan”, but it could have been any of the Muslim garden spots, really.

I would have thought that “machine guns” and “barbed wire” would work better than “cameras”, but then I’m just a simple man.

and you can stop that raucous cheering and applause, you lot — because the fucking Austrian prosecutor wants to charge her for assault. 

Train Smash Watch:

can’t be long now

wait for it… wait for it

OF COURSE SHE DOES.  Only an intersectional feminist could imagine that she could stop an international flight just because of ME ME ME ME ME !

Let’s look in on Covidiocy:


good.  I hope they all catch it and die.

I would normally be sympathetic, except that Levi Strauss is a bunch of gun-controlling assholes, so fuck ’em.

How about the Freedom Trail:

just wait till the tar, feathers and ropes come out.

LesboPM can’t imagine any resistance coming from her cowed Kiwi peasants.

and when you’ve lost the Belgiesoh wait:

as Castro’s love child goes full Stalin.

[whimper] oh FFS, kill me me now.

And now, more INSIGNIFICA:


and if you used the Hubble telescope focused to “infinity”, you still wouldn’t be able to find my interest in this story.


Amanda who?  Nemmind:

And dat be Da Nooz… for now.

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

…or “Why You Should Always Keep Your Bedside Gun Handy“:

An intruder broke into a West Palm Beach, Florida, home just after 4 a.m. Saturday morning and turned on the bedroom light before being shot and fatally wounded by a homeowner.

The actual article calls the corpus delicti  an “alleged” intruder, but he’s nothing of the sort as a.) he was found inside the house without having been invited in, and b.) he was unknown to Our Hero.  Ergo:  intruder.  Shot with an “alleged” gun.

Once again, note that the sequence of events was:  Choirboy breaks in;  turns on light to see what he can steal;  is confronted by half-asleep homeowner;  refuses to leave;  gets shot.

And no mention of said homeowner fumbling around in a safe or bedside drawer for his gun.

Just sayin’.


I’m not often envious of what other people do or have, but I’ll make an exception for this guy and his toy:

We used to have a 30′ Scalextric track layout in the basement of our Chicago suburban home, but in subsequent homes we never had the space available to set it up again.  And unlike Our Hero, we only had a few cars, which we’d race against each other by class, so to speak:



Great fun.