No Big Deal

From indefatigable Reader Mike L, I get the news that three containers of ammo appear to have been stolen in North Carolina.

At first, I rushed to make sure that I had an alibi for the times in which the crimes were committed, but when I learned it was all Winchester White Box 9mm FMJ, I pretty much quit, because even the BATF/FBI spies lurking around this website should have realized by now that I’m never in the market for that silly stuff — not even to sell, let alone possess.

Probably an inside job, I’m guessing.

But that reminds me… I need to get to the gun store to buy some more ammo.  Manly stuff, not that Euro nonsense.

“French soldiers training with handguns”?

News Roundup

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Let’s scurry off into the news…

you had me at “Biden gets hopelessly confused and lost”.

let’s hear it for Liz:

...reading to be followed soon by practical instruction, no doubt.  Fucking groomers, shoot them all.

...ummm Mr. Rotten, you may have forgotten this, but the entire raison d’être of the Sex Pistols was tastelessness.  It certainly wasn’t musical talent.

beating up women, rape, child sex;  is there anything this guy can’t do?

...let’s hear it for the Religion Of Peace:

a.k.a. the nationwide Post-Lockdown Sex Frenzy.

And for our Feelgood Story Of The Day:

the little shit should have been executed back in 2003, of course, but this will do for now.

using language that no doubt would have sounded familiar to Josef Goebbels.

applying the word “male” in its most generous sense to this girlyboy, that is.

And from the files of INSIGNIFICA:

...”Thith ith an emergenthy thituation!”

And finally:

ah yes, Tomi.  I’d pay to watch her read from the phone book.



And that is the end of this poxy foxy news.

Story Of The Day

From Knuckledragger:

I wandered into the gun shop on the public square in town yesterday afternoon about 1 PM to buy a brick of 22LR and when I went to pay for it with cash, Brett started laughing at me with, “I guess you’ve heard about that credit card bullshit too, huh?”
He told me his credit and debit card sales are down 90% lately and every single one of his sales so far that day were cash transactions.

I’m going to head over to our local merchant of death later to see if he says the same.

Classic Beauty: Rosemarie Bowe

She was once described as having “a face like Grace Kelly and a body like Marilyn Monroe”.  I wouldn’t go as far as that, but Rosemarie Bowe was something else.



Unusually for Hollywood, she was married to only one man — Robert Stack — and she pretty much quit acting when the two kids came along, only going back once they had grown.


Weekend Car Musings – Part One

Generally speaking, I treat the subject of power the same way as I treat pretty much any aspect of personal ownership, e.g. with guns:

“Why do you need such a powerful gun?” — Because I want it, and because MYOFB.

However, I am somewhat at a loss when it comes to modern cars, which to me seem terribly over-powered relative to the average driver’s ability to pilot the thing, e.g. the 1,000hp Bugatti Veyron:

An awful lot of Veyrons have been crashed relative to the actual number found on the roads (i.e. excluding the “investment” Bugattis, the motoring equivalent of the gun world’s “safe queens”), and the same is true of all the hypercars.  Even Rowan Atkinson, who is an excellent driver, managed to write off his Pagani Zonda.

I don’t even want to think of the accident rate among redneck hypercars, e.g. the Dodge SRT or the Camaro ZL1, both with plus-600hp engines.

Now I’m not saying that cars like this should be banned or restricted in any way (see my thoughts on powerful guns, above), but the question I want to throw out to you, O My Readers, is:  what do you think is the engine (cylinder number, size, horsepower, whatever) that best serves the average driver?  For the sake of discussion, let’s ignore trucks and SUVs, which may have different needs and uses, and concentrate on cars.

And to make it more interesting, let’s split it into four-door saloons and two-door sports cars.

My thoughts will appear below the fold, but avoid going there until you’ve worked out your own two examples.

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