Quote Of The Day

After the NRA had its pee-pee whacked by a NY court, the Left and associated useful idiots rejoiced and went hallelujah (or whatever they say when the godless celebrate).  And then this comment appeared:

I’m getting a kick out of the MSM crowing that the back of the gun lobby is finally broken.
Sorry, kids – the NRA hasn’t been a player in a very long time now and the fact that you thought it was just goes to show how fucking ignorant you really are.

Yeah, what he* said.  The NRA is to gun ownership what the Democrat Party is to its anarcho-nihilist wing:  the polite face they want the public to see.  Most gun owners, myself included, see the NRA as a bunch of compromising lobbyists, and our interests are far better represented by Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), to name but two.

Or else we can keep on being that seething, restless bunch of people who take gun ownership as a natural right, and prefer to argue more important issues — like whether the American .45 ACP is better for slaughtering Commies etc. than its limp-wristed Euro counterpart, the 9mm pellet.

I think we all know on which side I belong.

Can’t remember who said it, but if anyone knows, I’ll amend the above.


  1. My guns and everything I own are mine and nobody gets to say anything about it.

    The 2nd is about restrictions on THEM not freedoms for ME.

  2. The NRA’s accomplishments for the shooting community are organizing and writing safety classes, hunter’s education courses, building ranges or providing plans for shooting ranges, building a couple of museums, collecting money.

    The lobbying arm of the NRA has been weak since its inception. They might release a couple of quotes or sound bites that resonate such as Heston’s “from my cold dead hands” or I believe it was LaPIerre who accurately called the ATF a bunch of jack booted thugs.

    Hopefully the judge removes the board of directors, LaPierre’s cronies and puts a reasonable monitor in place for a period of time so that the NRA can be fixed. I’d also like to see more fines against LaPierre and company to return all the money they wrongfully took from the NRA. One can dream

  3. The NRA is very important because they have the national brand. Fun fact, surveys that ask if people are NRA members ends up with more people saying they are members than there are actual NRA members. The average gun owner knows who they are (and hater too) so their endorsements and so forth carry a lot of weight.

    GOA and so forth are good too, the right answer is all of the above. They fill different roles.

  4. I don’t hate the NRA, and consider them an ally. Sort of like Italy in NATO. An ally mostly on paper, but an ally nonetheless.

    That said LaPierre is a Carney and I wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire. But the gun-hating courts need to stay the fuck out of this.

  5. I’m a life member. It was given to me by my stepfather when he married my mom 25 years ago, and accepted graciously at that time even though I was ‘over it’ with the NRA by then. I won’t pull a George H.W. Bush and resign with a pathetic flourish to make a point out of respect for the gift giver. But I am just a number on their roster; who I give money to are no-compromise groups like GOA and JFPFO. Unless one of them hires LaPierre…

  6. Never mind the article; I’m not seeing the difference in the pictures: both ladies seem to be hitting their targets with good shot placement and both rounds will stop a goblin.

    1. You’re right that they’re both OK on the most important things – they’re shooting, they’re shooting well, and with an adequate goblin-stopper. But when it comes to which girl I’d get along better with, I see American farm clothes and a nice butt on the left, city clothes and a narrow butt on the right.

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