Yeah, Pretty Much That

From a realistic perspective, this is going to happen:

Around 2030 all Americans are going to have to turn on each other and carve that missing million out of their fellow citizen… This might be millennials becoming even greater debt slaves, this might be boomers kicked out of nursing homes to beg in the streets, this might be ethnic conflict to either make the white middle-class pay 2x the income tax forever, or a violent assault on the black inner-city to destroy the millstone of welfare America once and for all and free up millions in real estate in now unsafe cities… This might take the form of a communist revolution, the confiscation of all real estate, and the forcing of Americans into work camps, this might take the form of the mass slaughter of Federal employees and IRS agents so that no federal insurance schemes can ever be paid out and no pensions because the government employees are dead… This might take the form of mass Euthanasia of cancer patients, drug addicts, and the non-working… Everyone who shows up at hospital and isn’t expected to be net profitable, axe em.

My estimate is that 2030 is an optimistic forecast.  And we’re not going to be able to spend our way out of it, either.



  1. I hate to be the proximate cause of you needing a second breakfast gin today, but your link is the wrong one. Try this one.

    The Social Security Trust Fund is a fraud, kinda like IBM funding their pension with IBM bonds instead of US Treasury Bonds. The SSTF is funded with IOUs. If you account for unfunded liabilities, like GAAP requires corporations to do, the national debt is … wait for it … five times higher.

    Enjoy your gin, sir!


  2. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened yet. Maybe the constant external warlets the US government uses as distraction from trouble at home is a good, if traditional, way to keep the general public from fighting among itself.

  3. I strongly suspect something majorly dangerous will occur in the US between now and 20 Jan 2025.

    Something major enough to damage the core and rip the very fabric of society.

    At least 80% of the entire gov’t at all levels needs to disappear instantly as currently it is a HUGE poisonous millstone around the next of the citizenry.

    The current morass is not sustainable.

    I have already begun my journey to tune out and disappear.

    1. The only problem I see about the drastic decrease in size of the government is that these out of work bureaucrats probably won’t survive in the private sector so they will become a huge burden to the taxpayer for unemployment and welfare. Still, that pain is probably well worth pushing through to get a better functioning government that is smaller and harder to manipulate and corrupt

      1. The unbridled joy of seeing EPA/IRS/ATF/HHS people having to turn tricks in the street to survive, would be worth the price of admission. They are more than willing to put a coal miner out on the street. Its fair play to have it happen to them.

        It won’t. Better 20,000 dead bodies than a single .gov employee lose their job.

      2. If there is a SHTF moment of that magnitude, there will be no worries over UE Insurance/Welfare, and perhaps even SocSec, as there won’t be any funds to operate the excesses of government that they will represent.
        There will be barely sufficient funding for the bare, basic, functions that are expected. I would imagine that up to 80% of government employees will be “on the street”.

      3. That’d depend entirely on how the size of the government is decreased…
        If it’s done the hard way, those bureaurats won’t survive, period. They’ll be put up against the wall and shot.

  4. Maybe there will be some sort large mass Pandemic that primarily impacts the elderly and medically compromised resulting in a disproportionate number of early deaths, reducing that unfunded liabilities.

    Wait….. didn’t they already try that?

    1. the ChiCom Flu didn’t have the mortality rate necessary to accomplish that goal so I believe that was just a test run

      1. The Wuhan lab-rats are said to be working on those disappointing numbers as we read this.

  5. The problem are real, the solutions will not be so exciting. We will raise taxes and a lot of people on SS will take a haircut. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth and then we will move on.

    1. Speaking as one of the future haircuttees, I can assure you that there will indeed be weeping and gnashing of teeth, just not among the people you (and they) think it will be.

      1. There wont be a haircut. You’ll still get your $$$. You just wont be able to afford anything with it.

        hehehehe. See we in the .gov are tricky that way. We don’t take away, we just make it impossible.

        1. “There won’t be a haircut. You’ll still get your $$$. You just wont be able to afford anything with it.”

          Why are you putting this in the future tense?

  6. I wonder if the recent spike in the price of gold isn’t a harbinger of the evil to come.

  7. If we kill all the bureaucrats who will who will sign the checks for SS?
    …and DFAS?

    1. …oops, that was already covered in the main article. I got distracted by the vision of geezers begging in the streets… from whom will we beg?

      1. stencil, if your avatar was a personal thing, then you saw the bear and smelt his fur.
        Thank you for putting your neck on the line, and glad you made it back OK.

  8. What was it that Instapundit says often? “Something that cannot go on, won’t”?

    It can fall apart, and people can be screwed over really hard.

    In 2003, I stood in Red Square, preparing to take a picture of the 50 or so forlorn Commie True Believers who sat on the steps of the State Historical Museum waiting for their Soviet underwritten pensions to come back. Their red flags lay limp in the summer sun, and their 80’s era commie knock off boom boxes played their commie dirges through tinny speakers.

    My heart isn’t made of stone. In a spurt of perhaps misplaced compassion, I didn’t have the heart to snap the picture and document their suffering. But in hindsight, I really wish I did as an object lesson in not putting your faith in things that don’t deserve them.

    As the stakes of the game of musical chairs grows more and more apparent as the music starts to wind down, expect the whole thing to turn vicious, and later, pathetic.

  9. What the Feds *could* do, but won’t, is sell off all the Federally owned land west of the Mississippi (excepting military bases), and use the proceeds to reimburse those of us who’ve been robbed to finance these welfare programs. I doubt they could fully reimburse us, especially regarding lost interest on the money, but even pro rated, something is better than nothing.

    Reimburse us, then abolish the programs altogether.

    Not a lot of opportunities for graft thereafter though, and too many people think they’re entitled to monies paid from other people’s taxes, so it won’t happen.

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