Shootin’ Time

Try this little bit of fuckery on for size:

“I came out at the end of a funeral service. I saw the traffic warden there, and he got his little pad out to start ticketing us, and I said ‘you’ve got to be joking’. I said ‘we’re only going to be 10-15 minutes more, can you just go for a walk round the block?’ He said ‘no’. I said, ‘have a bit of compassion, this is a funeral.’ And he started remonstrating with me.”

And then when someone, overcome with grief, snaps and starts killing these pathetic little officials, it’s the gun’s fault.



  1. Amateurs. Now take the Amsterdam parking attendants who a few years ago took criticism for putting wheel clamps on hearses outside a funeral home, while the service was going on inside.
    And wouldn’t back down, in fact doubled down when called out and started clamping ambulances waiting for calls at hospitals!

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