News Roundup

Let’s start off with something from the Department of Losers:

...missed seeing him again by thismuch.

...what’s that, Lassie?  Hoofbeats from four horses?  I hear them too.

...quelle horreur.

...quick, sue the mill that made the steel for the gun maker.

...Britcops:  “We would, but then we’d be in more trouble than you are.”

...sadly, no pics of said accident.

Moving away from industrial-grade losers, we go to the Great Cultural Assimilation Project:, boys will be boys. [/Eytie cops]

From the Gummint Gazette:

...always wondered why you’d need a college degree just to be rude to customers at the DMV.

...I actually first read that as “House Republicans Shoot Senators”.  Imagine my disappointment at the second reading.

...Das Kapital, p.276.  His idol V.I. Lenin would be so proud of him.

...for “Americans” read “Journalists”.

And just to show that gummint isn’t the only entity capable of complete idiocy, there’s this:

...just another model to sit, forlorn and unwanted, on some dealer’s lot.

And in Evil Satan News:

...we know.  I mean, Nancy Pelosi is still in Congress, and FJ Biden is still in the White House. And don’t get me started on the FBI and DHS...

And your pre-weekend 


...never watched the show either, but here’s an FYI so everyone else can keep up to date:

And that’s what passes for news.


  1. If Helen George stands straight, she looks like a coat rack. No curves at all and has the build of a 12 year old boy. Next!

    Regarding Insignifica and the tourist spot that ran out of alcohol, remember when Iceland, the entire country ran out of beer when US Marines visited?

    I’m glad that bill from the Senate is DOA in the House. It was an atrocious bill and the Republicans better get on every single propaganda network and get that message out.

    And the mention of New Hampshire reveals that perverts from MA are getting over the border. Perhaps it’s time for Granite States to get some wire from Texas for their southern border. Too many commies, fascists, socialists and other totalitarians from Boston fleeing their tax burden for the green pastures of New Hampshire.

    I thought eye tie cops were judicious with their billy clubs. This goes to show you, stay armed with pepper spray, knives and a firearm or three for self protection. IN regards to immigration, it’s clear that it all needs to be tightened up and immigrants need to be on probation for a decade or so. One act of criminal activity and out you go never to return.

  2. Two thoughts;

    1) ‘Journalists’ know the difference between fact and fiction very well. How else would they be able to write fiction so consistently?

    2) About that cat fight; if, in this day and age of ubiquitous camera phones, no pictures were taken, I think we can deduce that the two women were cows, and nobody wants to see their withered dugs.

  3. “always wondered why you’d need a college degree just to be rude to customers at the DMV.”

    It’s because testing for the basic ability to read and write is banned as “racist”, and they’re hoping the colleges won’t graduate students until they learn.

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