
So there you are, trundling along a little Ukrainian road, nothing but the usual soldiers’ thoughts buzzing around in your little Russki head:

…when suddenly, a little RadioShackski drone happens along and spoils your whole day.

Watch the video in the link… it’s impressive.  Ooh, that’s going to leave a mark… and it ain’t gonna buff right out, either.

I love the smell of barbecued Russians in the morning.

For those faint-hearted who think I’m being Krool & Hartless, I have only one thing to say:  they fucking started it.

#Hiroshima #Dresden


  1. Unlike some on the right who want to defund Ukraine, I’m happy to keep funding it because I figure the Russians still owe us a few hundred thousand casualties for the Cold War.

    1. “I’m happy to keep funding it”

      Then I suggest you break out the checkbook and do just that.

      Some of us have better things to do with our hard earned coins than surrender them to this criminal gov’t, and there are bigger threats a lot closer than those (mostly fictitious ones) 5000 miles away.

      1. The threat of Russia is far from fictitious. Any student of history will mark the similarities with the 1930s and the preamble to WW2.

        As for corruption, government aid is generally being given in materiel – guns, shells, missiles, and whatnot – rather than cash. It’s rather difficult to put those in a Swiss bank account.

        1. “As for corruption, government aid is generally being given in materiel – guns, shells, missiles, and whatnot – rather than cash. It’s rather difficult to put those in a Swiss bank account.”

          Not difficult to convert stuff to cash. You ‘ve heard of selling it, I suppose? Black market? Better yet, once all that stuff heads toward the battlefield, it can disappear, no questions asked, and we just assume it was lost as a result of military operations.

          I’m not opposed to Ukrainian aid. It’s relatively cheap degradation of Russian capabilities, without risking a single American young man. But I’m not naive about the likelihood of corruption, either. Sadly, it’s the way of the world. Such has it always been. Such will it always be.

          BTW – a great deal of the same thing happens to American equipment, here in our own backyard. You don’t think that toilet seat REALLY costs $800, do you?

  2. (raises hand)

    ‘Scuze me, I have some questions. The video showed a tank rounding a corner, then cut to (seemingly) the drone’s camera view. There was no bend in sight from the drone, and the spotter’s camera didn’t seem to move from its vantage point. While it’s nice to see the tankskis go “BOOM!!”, this looks…produced.

  3. we need technical details on what the attack drone was carrying for ordnance. I’d also like the specifications or information on the drones being used. for um, research.


  4. I’d like to know the size of the drone and how much explosive it had in it too. The video looks quite real, and the drone hit the tank where it was most vulnerable – the rear, where there was no reactive armor, and where extra ammo was stored. Big Ba-Da-Boom! How many tanks can Russia have left, at this point?

  5. As a Zelenskyy supporter you find yourself in very good company: Joe, Hunter, Nancy, Boris, Emmanuel, Justin… the correct stance is to stand back and let those two psychopath egomaniacs slug it out on their own. (Grumpy Cat: I hope they both lose.)

    1. I’m not “for” the Russians but Ukraine can sink into the mire. You are correct Shade – supporting Zelensky (Biden II) is the same as voting Democrat; i.e., you support Biden, Pelosi, Romney, Schumer, and all the other kool kids in DC. Let’s pull all our troops (and weapons unlike Afghan) back home and let those’uns go at it among themselves. Then we pull a WWII, go in and save the day, and profit off their need in the good old American way. (The Russians won the European war, we assisted)

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