Shut Up, Fuckhead

Another country heard from:

Former President Barack Obama originally said Israel should “dismantle” Hamas, but has now criticized Israel for the way it is “dismantling” the Palestinian terror organization.

Still, the world is watching closely as events in the region unfold, and any Israeli military strategy that ignores the human costs could ultimately backfire. Already, thousands of Palestinians have been killed in the bombing of Gaza, many of them children. Hundreds of thousands have been forced from their homes. The Israeli government’s decision to cut off food, water and electricity to a captive civilian population threatens not only to worsen a growing humanitarian crisis; it could further harden Palestinian attitudes for generations, erode global support for Israel, play into the hands of Israel’s enemies, and undermine long term efforts to achieve peace and stability in the region.

It’s a little difficult to imagine how one could “harden Palestinian attitudes for generations” when the motto of the current generation of Arabs is “from the river to the sea” (i.e. total destruction of Israel and the extinction of its people).

Anyway, foreign policy “advice” from Barack fucking Obama should not only be ignored but thrown into the trash with great force, along with its progenitor, the racist Commie asshole anti-Semitic motherfucker.


  1. “…the world is watching closely…”
    I’m not. Couldn’t care less.

    Bickering that “my super hero in the sky is better’n your super hero in the sky” have long bored me to tears.

    No shortage of more dangerous and pressing issues much closer to home to keep my attention occupied.

  2. Since 1946, Israel has listened to other nations telling it what to do and how to react to repeated acts of war against it by its neighbors. Supposedly learned American leaders have preached restraint time and again in an effort to restore so-called peace in the middle east.

    Based on our stellar diplomatic corps record of success, it’s time for them to step aside and shut the eff up. Let the Israelis do what they need to do.

  3. Let the other mid eastern countries absorb the population of the cousins. No more palestine, no palestinians.

    Israel has been patient long enough and offered a two state solution. The Palestinians reject it time and time again. Enough is enough.


  4. Obama has a dog in this fight and his policies showed it for eight years culminating in his funding of Iranian nuclear ambitions and terrorism programs.


  5. Black Jesus is the worst thing to happen to the USA since Benedict Arnold. He supported our enemies, trashed the Iraq victory, a wedge up the middle of the jihadists, and instead got thousands of Americans killed and maimed in Afghanistan for nothing, and picked open the healing scab of racism.
    May he be humiliated in his lifetime and die a figure of public scorn during a long and painful death.

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