News Roundup


...of course he did.  And in other unsurprising news:

...used to be the the Soviets, now it’s some other Leftists, same ol’ same ol’It’s not as if Associated Press ever had any credibility, after all.

...imagine being compelled to pay money to watch this shit. you’ll be okay with people refusing mandatory WuFlu vaccinations, then?

should be in actual rather than this kind of hell, but then again at least he’s still in a U.K. jail, which is better than nothing (not to say surprising).  On a similar note:

...pah. “Grisly” would be impalement, guillotining, flaying and being boiled in oil — most of which punishments, sadly, seem to have fallen from favor recently.

...but it’s all the guns’ fault, isn’t it?

...JHC, if women need Mrs. Token-In-Chief and that whiny little Hermione for their inspiration, they shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

In Furrin News:

...although I think France is the winner in this one, Gabon being just another African shithole. other news:  JapPM’s office denies that he’s growing a third ear.

From the Great Assimilation Project:

...”single male asylum seekers” being more likely to be criminals, radical assholes, etc., I just can’t see why the Belgies would do this.

...which leads us straight to:



...which kinda says it all, really.

Finally, in ShowBiz News:

...well, seeing as she isn’t bothered by it, here we go:

I could do this all day, but I’m saving the best for a Sunday post.


  1. thank you for not posting a link on Lena Dunham. I forgot about that vile creature.

    Grisly execution method? There is no such thing. we need to bring back garrotting. Not hanging, but garrotting where the criminal is strangled to near death multiple times before they finally meet their celestial reward. Bring back the gibbet too. This would serve as an example to others who contemplate committing crime.


  2. I’ve advocated the nitrogen execution for years now. I work in the chemical industry and we use nitrogen to inert many processes. There are tons of safety warnings and we know from industrial accidents that with pure N2, the second or third breath a person is fully unconscious and within a minute dead beyond any revival attempts. Yes, you can hold your breathe for several minutes, but when you inhale N2 it actually pulls any oxygen from your body, killing you faster than simple suffocation.

    I mean, there’s nothing wrong with rope, or a firing squad, but you want quick and painless? Nitrogen is your go to. And it’s cheap.

  3. I just read the “grisly execution” article. Seriously? What the fuck is grisly about it?

    I was watching a documentary on the Romans not long ago. There was a contemporary of Julius Ceasar who decided to make a name for himself by scoring an impressive military victory, but wound up getting thousands of his own men slaughtered instead. The survivors decided to show their commander the error of his ways, by heating a significant quantity of gold until it was molten. Then they strapped his ass down, forced his mouth open and poured it down his throat.

    Or we could tap into the Jap half of my ancestry, and the medieval warlords in those environs who were fond of boiling their enemies alive.

    And the “grisly” article is from Alafreakingbama?! You’d think rednecks would have a better take on “grisly.”

  4. Mr. Curton is correct. I don’t work in the chemical industry now, but I did for decades.

    One of my co-workers did just the experiment Mr. Curton suggested; he stuck his head in a vessel full of nitrogen and inhaled. He survived because most of his body was outside the vessel, he was pulled from the vessel by someone who noticed that he had collapsed, and he quickly resumed breathing air. He told me that it was painless and likened it to someone turning out a light. As far as execution methods go, it sounds much less grisly than being chopped to tiny bits at the Notting Hill Festival.

    I’ve seen a few articles on the release of water from the Fukushima accident. The general thrust of these articles is that the Japanese say it’s safe but others, particularly the Chinese, disagree. None of the articles quantified the radiation exposure to humans that will result from the release.

    Quantifying the exposure using the scientific units for radiation flux wouldn’t help because only a tiny fraction of us can put those numbers in context. An article several years ago suggested that the popular press use “banana” as the measure we can all understand. Bananas are rich in potassium, and naturally occurring potassium has a trace of an unstable isotope in it. Therefore eating a banana increases one’s radiation exposure by a tiny, but measurable, amount.

    If the Japanese government said that eating a fish from Fukushima Bay would increase one’s radiation exposure by 0.1 banana, one banana or one hundred bananas, we’d immediately know that it’s irrelevant. If it were a mega banana or a gigabanana, it might be concerning.

  5. I thought the UK banned those big nasty knives a few years ago. No mention of any arrests of those brandishing the things. Or are people only prosecuted for mentioning big nasty knives on social media? I’m confused.
    Nitrogen gas execution is “grisly”? I think the “journalist” who wrote the story should go look up the word in the Oxford English Dictionary. I’m sure some crusty old editor at The Sun has a copy, complete with magnifying glass. Just look for the big boxed doorstop.

  6. N2 is the only execution method that the condemned would not even know is happening if we didn’t tell him about it. And we know that because there are a number of cases of accidental N2 suffocation where the victim did not struggle or panic or show any signs of anything wrong until he passed out. In several of them, rescuers were also caught unawares.

    If they want an even more humane execution method, don’t bring the condemned out to an execution chamber and put a mask on his face. (The mask is a stupid idea anyway – fitting it to achieve a good enough seal is something else for executioners to screw up. Just seal a room and flood it with N2.) Instead, move him to a room that’s sealed except for a vent weeks before the execution, then keep the exact date and time secret. When the secret time arrives, hook the vent fan to the nitrogen tank and the guy unknowingly goes to sleep and never wakes up. (Or, depending on your religion, wakes up with a place that makes the worst human-invented tortures seem like just a nougie.)

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