Actually, It Is

From an irate journo, writing about this year’s Notting Hill Carnival in London:

Ummm well, maybe not “culture”.  How about “lifestyle”?  I mean, when a simple street festival features this kind of festivity:

…well, that’s not exactly a feature of (say) the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade, is it?  (Although I may stand corrected sometime soon, in Manhattan.)  Certainly, it’s not a feature of Paris’s Bastille Day (although ditto).

But when you read every week about some cultural activity or festive occasion with a mostly-Black orientation that turns into thuggery and mayhem, perhaps you have to ask yourselves the question.

Meanwhile in the background, old Enoch Powell is laughing his ass off.


  1. Funny — I downloaded a free book on this very topic just yesterday after hearing about it on a radio talk show.

    Thomas Sowell – Black Rednecks, White Liberals

    Free PDF, which you can download on your new iPad, if it ever arrives. The USPS swears you’ll get it today *rolleyes*.

    Sowell never disappoints, can’t wait to dig into it.

    If the link does not load, DuckDuckGo will find it for you. Google probably won’t find the free version.


  2. Last week was the Annual “Caribbean Festival ” here in Boston along with normal amount of random gun fire that happens every year despite the expected denials by the Mayor of how this is an unusual event at the normally peaceful carnival.

    Which of course meant the usual calls for more gun control legislation… Lather , rinse and repeat.


  3. I just read the “grisly execution” article. Seriously? What the fuck is grisly about it?

    I was watching a documentary on the Romans not long ago. There was a contemporary of Julius Ceasar who decided to make a name for himself by scoring an impressive military victory, but wound up getting thousands of his own men slaughtered instead. The survivors decided to show their commander the error of his ways, by heating a significant quantity of gold until it was molten. Then they strapped his ass down, forced his mouth open and poured it down his throat.

    Or we could tap into the Jap half of my ancestry, and the medieval warlords in those environs who were fond of boiling their enemies alive.

    And the “grisly” article is from Alafreakingbama?! You’d think rednecks would have a better take on “grisly.”

    1. I think you’re referring to Marcus Licinius Crassus, the wealthiest man in Rome. It wasn’t his own men that did the deed with the molten gold, it was his Parthian captors. He may well have died in battle, though, possibly with the Pathians symbolically pouring gold down his corpses’ throat. Accounts differ.

    2. The Parthians didn’t write histories, and the Romans who did write histories apparently had no living witnesses to question about the aftermath of Crassus’s final battle. What I find most dubious about the “pouring gold down his throat” story is how the Parthians would have known or cared about Crassus’s reputation for financial rapaciousness in Rome. But the _Roman_ historians certainly had heard some things, and one might have invented a story of a very appropriate punishment…

      For example, it’s said that Crassus invented the fire department, and ran it for profit – but not a subscription model where you’d pay a bit every month and they’d come and help you if your house caught fire. No, they only fought fires in buildings Crassus owned. He would come to a fire and offer to buy the burning building at a special low price. If the owner refused, he would watch the fire for a while and lower his offer. When the owner finally sold whatever was left of the building to him, he’d turn his guys loose to save whatever they could.

  4. re — portrait in the press-release
    That individual appears to be in the midst of a ‘cultural appropriation’ mis-racening.
    How can I tell?
    Its hair-do is college-student pretending to be ‘slum-trash’, its skin ‘tone’ tends toward ‘whigger’.
    I think it needs to quit hiding behind the myth of music-videos programming.
    If I was a gambler, I would bet on ‘agent provocateur’.

    1. I’ll wager he wouldn’t react well to 185gr JHP’s from a 1911, because that would be his reward for charging at some people I know.

      1. Why waste perfectly good ammo in large amounts on the human trash in this crowd?

        A box of good 45 is like $ 50 bucks these days, You’d need def more than 3 boxes

        For 150 bucks you could rent a box truck and have Stevie Wonder drive said box truck though the party these derelicts are throwing and let whatever happens happen.

        Stevie Wonder said seeing is believing.

  5. I know many would say I am an asshole for saying this but;

    Can we plan to ship in knives, swords,
    Free food and every drug imaginable and fence these fine citizens off and play some music while they “party”

    Let the herd thin themselves out and we can ship the survivors even more drugs.

    Hunter Biden can be a consultant for the drugs to get for the party, what he hasn’t had up his nose or in his veins isn’t available to anyone.

  6. CM, a similar ‘approach’ ( solution ? ) to the ‘gang problem’ in parts of Texas
    was suggested by someone, can’t remember who, around the
    late 80’s early 90’s.
    The idea, for obvious reasons, was not exactly enthusiastically embraced !
    However, I happen to agree with the idea anyway.
    Get the national guard to provide any and all weapons. Take KNOWN gang
    members to a nice fenced, patrolled area of a square mile or two. Promise the
    members the ‘biggest rumble on earth’, let them choose their weapon(s) and
    have at it. Could become a regular event with betting !!!
    Don’t disclose that whoever is still standing at the end of the
    day will be executed !!
    As I recall, whoever suggested it was quite serious !!

  7. CM, a similar ‘approach’ ( solution ? ) to the ‘gang problem’ in parts of Texas
    was suggested by someone, can’t remember who, around the
    late 80’s early 90’s.
    The idea, for obvious reasons, was not exactly enthusiastically embraced !
    However, I happen to agree with the idea anyway.
    Get the national guard to provide any and all weapons. Take KNOWN gang
    members to a nice fenced, patrolled area of a square mile or two. Promise the
    members the ‘biggest rumble on earth’, let them choose their weapon(s) and
    have at it. Could become a regular event with betting !!!
    Don’t disclose that whoever is still standing at the end of the
    day will be executed !!
    As I recall, whoever suggested it was quite serious !!

  8. Sorry for the double post.
    Trackball button ‘bounce’ maybe ??
    Couldn’t have possibly been MY fault 😉

  9. “Couldn’t have possibly been MY fault”

    It wa’n’t me what done it. It was ‘im over there.
    I wasn’t even here. I was somewhere else.
    I di’n’t touch it, honest.
    I was just looking at it and it come off in me ‘and.
    I won’t do it again.

    (hat tip to George Formby or Stanley Holloway, played on a scratchy 78 rpm record, many years ago. Best declaimed in a whiny Lancashire accent.)
    BTW. Stanley Holloway was a great marksman.
    On one trip to the range, he got:
    4 bulls eyes,
    3 Magpies,
    2 lambs, and
    a shepherd.

  10. Where’s Sir Charles Napier when we need him the most? And this occurred in his native land, no less.

    He is of course, responsible for the famous quote about Suttee:

    “Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs. [To Hindu priests complaining to him about the prohibition of Sati religious funeral practice of burning widows alive on her husband’s funeral pyre.]”
    ― Charles James Napier

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