Not This Shit Again

They never give up on the idiocy, do they?

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) used a Monday post on X to call for a buyback of AR-15s and firearms that Democrats refer to as “assault weapons.”

He also wants a ban in place to keep future AR-15s from being manufactured or sold.

Swalwell posted:
Ban assault weapons. Buy them ALL back. Choose our kids over their killers.
— Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) August 28, 2023

I find the “Choose our kids over their killers” line especially ironic, coming from a politician whose party supports an “abortion-right-up-to-birth” policy.

He should stick to shagging ChiCom honeytraps.

Loathsome little turd.

Not that I actually own either of the above, of course;  it’s just a point of principle.



    Fuck him. This turd is ok with Government agencies like the IRS having all kinds of shit they DON’T NEED and SHOULDN’T HAVE, because it is his team (the Guv Mint) that has it.

    When it comes to us peasants, that pesky constitution is just a piece of paper, and he will violate our rights just as he violates his oath of office, like when he plugs the holes of CHI-COM (Chinese Communist) spies and whispers national secrets and other sweet somethings in their ears.

    Maybe Jack Off Smith should investigate this clown, to start with, for felonius cock sucking with an intent to swallow the evidence.

    He is and always was a piece of fucking shit.

    1. Heh heh. Tell us what you really think of that stinking turd.
      Whatever you add, I concur.

  2. I can’t even manage to be pissed off. One might just as well rail against water for being wet. Not worth the energy; maybe a yawn. I’d be curious to see how much has been flushed down the toilet in service to this particular iteration of virtue signalling.

  3. I’d get up off of a couple handfuls of my favorite legal tenders to view good quality video of that piece of shit getting bare fisted beaten to a pulp over about a 10 minute block of time, with plenty of lingering close ups cause I want to see the blood flow, and the exposed broken bones.

    I’d get up off a couple more handfuls if I could participate. Course, I’d use a hickory bat cause I wouldn’t want to get any of that diseased flem on me.

  4. Eric SWALLOWS-WELL states “ Choose our kids over their killers”

    This piece of shit chose a Chinese spy over his own wife. Yet he is somehow offering a moral compass and a solution.

    No fucking thanks. I don’t want any of the bullshit this useless cock sucker is selling.

    He looks and acts like he is one of those nerds that was stuffed in a locker after having his lunch money taken in High school. Now he has some title and pay via being a parasite politician and he wants to shove it up working law abiding citizens asses.

    I wonder if the chi com spy cunt that he fucked gave this guy any diseases. He already suffers from chronic retardation.

  5. The government cannot pass their own background check.

    You’re right, Swalwell should stick to chasing ChiCom tail. Why isn’t he in jail yet?


    1. Speaking of background checks.

      The democrats keep voting to send money, supplies and weapons to the neo nazis in the Ukraine.

      Are 4473 forms being filled out, along with ITAR forms and NICS background checks being conducted when the USA sends weapons of war to the Ukraine?

      And, why are the dems trying to disarm law abiding Americans while at the same time arming foreign countries people of unknown backgrounds?

  6. Isn’t it so typical that a Progressive Democrat aka Marxist, wants to ban weapons of defense because – in his dementia – THEY are evil, yet he doesn’t want to lock up the evil pukes who kill and maim people for their own gratification – and keep them locked up.
    What a useless POS.

  7. when these imbeciles get mouthy about banning this or that for the citizenry while their government expands its monopoly on violence, I try to buy more ammunition until my Minister of Finance complains


    1. Lead and brass are great investments. Precious metals that are more valuable than gold and silver.

      1. When my UPS guy grunts about the weight of my packages, I refer to them as my lead, brass and copper bullion delivery. He tells me we must have the same investment advisor.

  8. Why do these morons always refer to it as a buy back? Does anyone buy their weapons from the government to begin with?

    1. Ukraine “buys” their weapons from the US Guv Mint, using the dirt they have on the big guy as influence.

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