News Roundup

Here’s a spoonworthy target, in Lawn Awduh:

...the dirty rozzers. How dare they act like typical randy young men?

Problem is, a spoon-smack on the tip of the willie may well be a good idea to errr subdue the rampant male.  But what if the aggressor is a womyn?

From the Dept. of Education:

...I’m not sure that teaching the boy to scream “Oh god oh god oh god!” is acceptable religious instruction, but then I ‘m just an old atheist.

...LOL wait till they get to read Titus Andronicus.  “Mass suicide” would be my prediction.

...and yet they’re going to vote him back into office at the next election.  And speaking of the uneducated:

...also that wolves can’t hunt whales, White Men can’t jump, and Africans can’t govern.

From the Dept. of Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©: thing, they’ll be telling us that electric cars are a waste of time.  Believe The Science.

...key word:  Germany.

...I think you’re a little late with the warning there, Mikey.

From the Dept. of Womyns’ Sport:

...and if the U.S. coach had any balls [sic], these ungrateful hussies would have been pulled off the team and sent straight back to… Cuba.  And speaking of Cuba:

...perhaps if the MassGuv were to lead the way and house a few dozen illegals in the Governor’s mansion…? 

In Showbiz News:

...perhaps if they’d stuck with just one, they might have got away with it.



Finally, if we are to Believe The Science!, then:

Science’s loss is our gain, I suppose.


  1. As a Mass Citizen I’m surprised to learn that our Lesbo Gov is going to bring back Quartering. I’m not sure I have enough space to fit four horses the house at the same time. Can I just tie them down and do 1 quarter at a time, or do I have to do all 4 quarters in one pull?

  2. You owe me.

    I had no idea who or what was a Gemma Collins so I googled the name.

    Why would you do that to me?

      1. I stumbled upon one of those “no pictures” items about a year ago, and I appreciate your forbearance.

  3. Extreme kudos to the Helga dragging the climate douchebags off the road. An attractive Teutonic lass as well. Deutschland needs some hillbillies with electric cattle prods to discourage these assholes. Believe my by the second jolt they’ll be begging to move.

    Purple haired stepdaughter is vewwwy concerned about ruminants contributing to climate change. To which my response is that I have to increase my Meat consumption to offset your types nonsense. It’s a tough job but I’m willing to make the sacrifice.

    As for wimmens soccer NGAS, but their already disappointed fathers.

  4. “ Problem is, a spoon-smack on the tip of the willie may well be a good idea to errr subdue the rampant male. But what if the aggressor is a womyn?‘

    Jam it up hir nose.

  5. ‘Africans can’t govern“

    Why do I suspect that absent a century (almost) of Progressive interference and ‘advice’ at least SOME Africans would have figured it out? Socialism/Communism/whatever the ‘revolutionary’ fashion of the moment might be has run through Africa like Malaria thanks to the Progressives in the West encouraging it…and discouraging anything that opposed it.

  6. Why wouldn’t the women’s soccer team refuse to stand for the national anthem? They’ve seen the powers that be do everything to crush women’s sports, the Feminist movement (It doesn’t matter, but THEY hold it in high esteem, segregated locker rooms, segregated prisons, and the very idea that they are women.
    They have a far better cause for complaining and protesting than that wimp Colin Kaepernick ever thought he had.

  7. So the High-flying religious studies teacher didn’t even get 30 days for each year of age of the underage male she was boffing?
    I have nothing more to say about that. Just mentioning that for further observation.

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