Now THIS Means War

Okay, now it’s time for the pikes to be sharpened:

The light-hearted escapades of Jeeves and Wooster have become the latest victims of the seemingly relentless march of literature’s word police. 
PG Wodehouse’s books on the pair’s aristocratic misadventures have been identified as having what the publishers describe as ‘unacceptable’ prose. 
The comic novels have had passages cut or reworked for new editions by Penguin Random House, as well as trigger warnings added to warn readers of ‘outdated’ themes.

If any body of literature can be classified as “completely harmless”, that would be the collected works of P.G. Wodehouse, quite possibly the world’s greatest-ever humorist.

In fact, the only group of people who could lay claim to being offended by Wodehouse’s writings would be the British aristocracy, whom P.G. universally skewers on the point of his razor-sharp wit.  And they wouldn’t, because as one toff reportedly said, “Every single character in Wodehouse resembles a member of my family”.

But let us not giggle, because there is serious work to be done…



  1. This is an RCOB moment. Wodehouse is one of my favorite authors ever. Cold dead hands time with my books now too.

  2. Kim, If you’re going to persist in reading The Daily Hate, you’re going to have to learn to accept their world view and be offended by everything.

  3. If they’re that concerned about the books, why don’t they just let go of their copyright and let someone else publish them? Of course, they won’t do that.

  4. In my opinion it is only fair that these socialists share a pike to slide down.

    It was bad enough when Hollyweird decided to “remake” various films. Often the remake was horrid. Now the publishers have picked up that horrid trend. instead of burning books, these publishers should be burned.


  5. I started collecting films I like that give a case of the vapors to the woke imbeciles. Looks like I’m going to have to do the same with books.


  6. I think it is time to begin building a real intellectual dark web. A place where people can go and get the original unaltered versions of books. Let the copyright holders scream and threaten to sue all they like. Take one source down and three more appear.

    Book changing…the book burning of the 21st Century.

  7. Fortunately I already have the books and the DVD collection, featuring the epic duo of Fry and Laurie.

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