Minor Leagues

As Loyal Readers know, when it comes to auto racing I’m a devotee of Formula 1, with only the occasional branch line into Le Mans and WEC.

Therefore I have been unaware of the kind of driver in the “lesser” racing formats, and have therefore missed a couple of good ones.

First up, let’s look at Lindsey Brewer:

Then we have Toni Breidinger:


Finally, the “old lady” (b. 1989) of this genre, Shannon McIntosh:


I need to stop being so closed-minded about this racing thing, and broaden my horizons a little, so to speak.


  1. it’s a good thing these races are held on tracks. They’d never finish since they’d be asking for directions otherwise


  2. Wow! I just wasted (well, spent) 30 minutes on a photo search for Lindsey Brewer. Holy smokes!

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