A Better Class Of Criminal

“I’ll take corrupt Communist politicians for $500, Alex.”

I have to say that the Commies are at least stepping up their game a little.  Whereas in the past the typical corrupt money-grabbing Commie politician looked like you-know-who:

…the latest example of a politician caught with hand in a bagful of cash is someone named Eva Kaili (story in link):

…and even:

As a wall decoration, at least she wouldn’t cause mass vomiting in the firing squad like Her Filthiness.


  1. I see that, my first thought is ‘psychopath’.
    If it gained any level of popularity (politician, actor, ‘influencer’, etcetera), I move it to the ‘narcissist psychopath’ category.
    That individual has its uses.
    I tend to recruit rather than befriend.
    Its only relationship is with the drug called ‘help me, fix me’ and ‘I can do better’ promises.

  2. I’m shocked – shocked, I tell you – to find she was a member of PASOK. I remember going to Greece in the mid 80s and they were pretty much communist in all but name.

  3. The wealthy work to attain power; the powerful work to attain wealth – this applies in all forms of politics and across economic systems.

  4. I love women in prison movies, Kim

    Can’t wait to see who will play her

    The Greeks for invented anal sex, you know

    And the French for invented the blow job

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