Desert Island Authors

Continuing the series on stuff I’d take to a desert island (see here for Guns, and here for Dames), let me remind you first of the island:

And now to the main topic.

Usually, the “Desert Island” series consists of only five items (e.g. 5 songs/discs), but there is no way on Earth that I could survive with only five books.  Recently, I have noted that such questions now allow compendia — e.g. the Sharpe’s Rifles series or the Hornblower series, and so on.

So now I’m broadening the scope, so to speak, to allow myself to take the complete works of five fiction authors onto that desert island.  They are, in no specific order:

  • Ian Fleming
  • William Shakespeare
  • D.H. Lawrence
  • P.G. Wodehouse
  • John Sandford*

*unlike the others, Sandford is still alive and writing, so I’d get at least one new novel every year, to keep things fresh.

I have other favorite authors, of course (Hugo, Dumas, Higgins, Follett and Ruark, for example), but unlike those listed, I don’t like everything they’ve written, whereas the above five are consistently good.

As for the five non-fiction authors, that’s a lot easier:

  • Paul Johnson
  • Victor Davis Hanson
  • John Keegan
  • Jacques Barzun
  • Thomas Sowell

Four historians and an economist.

Your own choices in Comments.

News Roundup

Brought to you by:

And on we go;  first, from the Dept. Of The Blindingly Obvious:

you mean, bringing back the stuff we should never have let go in the first place?

OR, we could just go back to hiring courageous cops instead of cowardly assholes.

okay.  So can we also dispense with that “right to a fair trial” Constitutional bullshit for you and your type? Deal.

only the French could surrender after telling the truth.

key word:  Pakistan.

only if we entrust the future to you assholes.

have they also been experimenting on Antifa Millennials?  I think we should be told.

guess that means Lynyrd Skynyrd won’t be playing...  And speaking of which:

priorities, priorities.

stick to basketball, Coach, and I won’t tell you how to recruit players.

“i thnk i jst saw a grzzly”



And finally, on a related note:  here’s someone nobody ever heard of, whose chief claim to fame is that she was a UK Big Brother cast member about five years ago:

…and here she is today:

For those interested, she has a MASSIVE tattoo right under her (fake) boobs.

So much for the news.

Taxing Gas

JHC, now I’ve seen everything.

The left-wing Labour government of Jacinda Ardern has drafted proposals to levy taxes against farmers for the methane emissions produced by cows and sheep in what would be the world’s first green tax on livestock.

Had this not been the People’s Soviet of New Zealand, I’d have suspected that the Babylon Bee  was giving us a giggle — but not even the Bee  dreamed up this one.

On a more sinister note:

The move from the socialist government comes amid a wider effort by governments and globalist institutions to push people away from meat. The United Kingdom, under Prime Minister Boris Johnson, has also discussed levying border taxes on meat and dairy to, they claim, fight climate change.

Institutions such as the World Economic Forum, which has long advocated for the consumption of bugs, recently called for the widespread adoption of veganism and the eating of “climate beneficial foods” such as seaweed and algae.

Had I not just finished my morning breakfast of boerewors and eggs, I’d be tempted to cook a steak, or even one of these:

That can wait till tomorrow, I think.  And one of New Wife’s exquisite steak ‘n mushroom pies for Sunday lunch or dinner.

I’m just doing my bit in the fight against Communism.