Screwing Up The Brand (2)

Following on from yesterday’s post about Stella Artois peeing in their own soup comes yet another example of marketing silliness:

Country star Luke Combs has apologized for appearing with Confederate flags, saying he is now aware of how painful that flag is.

Ummm Luke, bubba:  the Confederate flag may be painful to some, but it is not painful to your audience.

And just so we’re clear on the concept:  that “audience” would be the folks who buy your albums, attend your concerts and wear your T-shirts;  and in a pure head count they probably outnumber the flag-hating weenies by 25,000 : 1.

Now I don’t know if continuing to display the Stars and Bars at your concerts would disenchant folks in the crowd — just in passing, I bet your next concert will reveal an absolute sea of Confederate flags in the audience — but I’m pretty sure that a whole bunch of your fans are going to be mightily pissed off that you took a knee towards the Politically-Correct Set.

And the problem with doing that is that these woke bastards are never satisfied, especially after you do it once.  Expect your lyrics to come under scrutiny from now on:  references to cheating women will be labeled “gender-hatred”, singing about booze will be considered as encouraging alcoholism, and forget your pickup truck, that gas-guzzling ozone-destroying monster.

And if a country singer can’t sing about love, booze and trucks, there’s fuck-all left for him to sing about.

Oh, and a postscript:  just wait till the vegans see this pic…

I should also point out that until I wrote this post, I’d never heard of Luke Combs.


  1. Amid all the screaming, how much do you want to bet that they’re talking about the Southern Cross, the Army of Northern Virginia’s battle flag, and not the Confederacy’s national flag, the Stars and Bars? and bars&client=firefox-b-1-d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiK5dufyf3uAhXmJTQIHUgHCxcQ_AUoAXoECAcQAw&biw=1280&bih=590

  2. Hmm. As a ‘Murican from ‘Murica, should the Jap flag be painful for me cuz Pearl Harbor? Or maybe the half a Jap in me should revile the stars & stripes as an oppressive memorial to Fat Man & Little Boy. As it turns out, I’m a grown up. Unlike the faggot little pansies prancing down the road to pussification.

    Little known fact: the Jap flag is actually a pie graph, illustrating how much of Japan is Japan.

  3. I have to say, I do not understand the affection anyone holds for the Confederacy, the Confederate flag, the Confederate battle flag, R.E. Lee or any of those other related crap holes. I think it because they lost so there is no history past the war so people fill in the blanks of their knowledge with happy thoughts and unicorns. They were traitors to their country who fashioned their political philosophy around enslaving 40% of their population – F***’em.

    As for since then, the primary use of the Confederate battle flag was to represent the KKK, AKA the armed wing of Democrat party. Why any conservative would want to associate with any of that is beyond me.

    1. “They were traitors to their country”

      So was George Washington. Except, of course, he won.

      The point of the Confederate battle flag is that it’s a reminder that rebellion is not an indicator of righteousness, but it is an option.

  4. “They were traitors to their country”

    So was George Washington. Except, of course, he won.

    The point of the Confederate battle flag is that it’s a reminder that rebellion is not an indicator of righteousness, but it is an option.

  5. ” “They were traitors to their country”
    So was George Washington. Except, of course, he won. ”

    Uh, NO.

    George Washington’s “country” at the start of the Revolution was Virginia, and grew into what was to become the United States. He was a SUBJECT of the British crown, not a citizen. There is a difference. Moreover, he was never even a resident of the British Isles or Great Britain, much less a citizen. Remember what the US colonies were – colonies, possessions, to be used and exploited for the economic benefit of the mother country.

    Decidedly NOT a traitor.

    I frankly get Vonz’s position. Why so much of modern America idolizes a dead society which went to war to protect the institution of slavery – and places so much importance on a flag that the Democrats used for a century afterwards to continue the legacy of slavery – is beyond me.

    1. “George Washington’s “country” at the start of the Revolution was Virginia,”

      Bullshit. on steroids.

      EVERYONE in the colonies was a subject of the British Crown.

  6. Let’s get something clear, this guy isn’t country. He’s “all hat no cow”. The current state of country music is nothing more than Country Pop. Pop is poop.

    As for the South being traitors I would like to remind folks of the Declaration of Independence, which states:

    “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

  7. Wow, a lot of hate here for the South. Don’t drink all the Kool-aid by yourself.

    Yes, slavery was a bad thing. But there was a lot more complexity to the civil war than Vonz’s little rant would indicate. But I guess understanding history isn’t important.

    Nevertheless, there is a lot of talk about secession today. If I support Texas and a few other conservative states breaking off from an oppressive federal govt that no longer abides by the constitution, does that make a me a traitor to my country? Or does the final analysis strictly depend on who wins?

    1. Who said I hate the south? Is the whole of the south the Confederacy and slavery? My point is quite the opposite of hating it, it is that I see no reason to sully the south or conservatism or anything else by venerating an evil institution and its emblems.

      As for the history of secession, the ones seceding certainly thought it was all about slavery. “Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery– the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin.” Ref:

    2. the final analysis strictly depends on who wins.

      Winners write history. Losers run around with the symbols of their failed cause and whine “we’ll rise again”

  8. To get a littlebit back on track –
    I see everyday the zeal with which so many companies / businesses try to increase market share by currying the favor of a VERY SMALL percentage of the population while alienating most of their current customers !
    It’s mind boggling. Who makes these decisions ?
    And the Civil War was about secession. Our wonderful public education system has turned it into a war about slavery. Just as that same system has turned Constitutional Republic into ‘Democracy’ – fewer syllables and easier to pronounce and spell I guess – in BOTH cases !!

    1. It may have started out as a state’s rights squabble. The Emancipation Proclamation instantly and forever transformed it into slavery v. liberation. Good v. evil. Period.

    2. Read some of the articles of secession (I posted an excerpt from Mississippi’s above) – it was always about slavery.

  9. I just KNEW that this would degenerate into an argument about The Flag, when it was really a discussion about marketing…


    1. It does highlight why Luke Combs should have kept his dumb mouth shut about the whole thing. The old Skynyrd fans like me aren’t offended, just the people who’ll never listen to him anyhow.

  10. “Let’s get something clear, this guy isn’t country. He’s “all hat no cow”. The current state of country music is nothing more than Country Pop. Pop is poop.”

    No wonder I’d never heard of him.

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