The kids clubbed together and bought me a birthday/Christmas present:
Never owned a Savage 64F before, and this stainless-barreled one is as pretty as all hell — once one loses the black compo stock, that is [sigh]. Came with scope mounts, but I’m in two minds whether to scope the thing or not, given that its function is “plinker”. I guess it depends on whether my old eyes can get it inside a respectable circle or not.
Apparently, the store was not able to include even a single box of .22 LR, but I believe I’ve got a few rounds of rimfire lying around somewhere. (I’ll also need a few spare mags at some point, but that can wait awhile.)
So if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the range to test it out.
Update: I couldn’t get a ten-shot string offhand inside a palm-sized ring at 25 yards, but the Son&Heir could (damn his young eyes) — so I’m gonna need a scope. [deep sigh]
Thanks for all the scope advice.
On the bright side: the 64F loves Aguila 40-gr Match more than any other ammo I tried. Fortunately, I bought a couple cases on a great deal back in about 2007, so there we go.
I have one of those sold under the Western Auto brand. A line of hardware stores that no longer exists. I would like to get some magazines for mine as well.
Savage made one I used in the scouts that I have always been on the look out for. It had a peep rear sight and they are tack drivers.
Your kids still get you things so that is good. Have fun with the little plinker.
Looks like a fun rifle. A lot of people say that Savages are great guns “for the money” but I’d drop the “for the money” part and say that they’re good guns period. One of those $100ish red dots from Bushnell might ride over the receiver pretty well. My 68 year old eyes really like red dot sights.
Now if we could only get the guys at Savage to bring back the model 99. A short action in .308 would be just fine.
A 99 in .308…… still my heart.
Kim if you decide to stay with iron sights you might want to give these folks a call to see if their peep sights will fit on the the 64…
If ya go scope think about the type of reticule. Bdc or std cross hair. Also if you want an adjustable objective for parallax. When I was putting several rimfires together a dozen yrs ago I went with Nikon and Leupold AO rimfire scopes. Both were pretty good.
As a gift to myself last month, I got a set of Tech sights for my Savage Mk II. Very nice. Much better than the stock sights. They would be better if the range adjustment had a thumb knob adjustment like the windage does, but so far, that’s a minor gripe.
Lucky bastid…I’ll prolly get a useless tie.
I love shooting .22 with a red dot/green dot sight and there are great sales on decent sights right now. The red dot is not going to give super tight groups but if you are shooting steel targets they are fast and fun.
I just bought 4 of these – best deal around:
I’d paste a picture, Kim, but the blog won’t let me, and I’m sure you can find a photo. I was given an early Christmas present as well – an 1866-1966 Centennial Edition 1984 Carbine in 30-30. Octagon barrel, gold receiver, and beautiful.
I may have to be nice to that kid.
Damn, Kim. Take this as a sign that you raised your kids right.