More Doubles

In a long-ago post (worth a read, BTW) I bemoaned the fact that my age-addled brain is having difficulty telling people apart.  Now there’s a new one:

Left:  Oz actor Hugh Jackman, and right:  Brit actor Richard Armitage.  I was watching The Stranger*  on Netflix the other night, and when Armitage first appeared onscreen I thought that Jackman had given up X-Men and was getting into Brit TV roles.

*Kim’s ranking:  5 out of 10 because the plot has more gaping holes than the 10pm dockside shift during Fleet Week.


From Insty:


There’s another way to have sex?  Who knew?

I always said sex is better from behind paper bags… but then again, I’m just old-fashioned about this kind of thing.

…collar and tie optional after the first date, of course.

Gospel According To Clarkson

One of the best parts of Top Gear and its Grand Tour successor is to watch when one of the trio launches into a rant about something or other.  And this one from Jeremy Clarkson ranks right up there:

INCREDIBLY, my email inbox is still being filled every day by people ­wanting me to give money to help… ­Australia’s homeless koalas. That’s like asking for money to help save Joan of Arc’s dodo.
What are they thinking? They reckon I’m going to look at the world and all the terrible ­problems affecting it then think, “Right, the thing that’s most deserving of my spare cash is some lightly grilled marsupial in Wombawombaland”?

The fact is that many of those Australian fires were started by drunken misfits in vests who wanted to see their handiwork on the news.
While global warming was blamed for the way the blazes took hold, the real reason is because environmentalist law- makers wouldn’t allow the level-headed to create fire breaks.
It was, therefore, the eco-mentalists who burned the koalas, so it’s up to them to buy the Savlon.

Read the whole piece to get some reality-based thinking.

Ginger Snaps*

Knowing that one of my (many) weaknesses happens to be redheads, Alert Reader Ken sends me this series of visions.  My favorite:

Or maybe it’s this one:

These are not your standard  moistened bints, are they? [/Monty Python]

The DM also posts this pic:

…with the rather arch (paraphrased) question:  What does this represent?

It represents that there’s a red garden of delight under the dress, you idiots.

Sheesh… and they wonder why they lost the Empire.

*It’s a pun.  “Ginger Snaps” is the brand name of a British cookie.  And like the subjects of the photos, they’re yummy.