Work Needed

Some of you may remember this:

As part of this:

So I know that to many people, this might seem to be good news*:

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) reported Monday there are an estimated 434 million firearms in private possession in the United States of America.

But if you consider that that number represents only about 2.4 firearms per adult person in the U.S., and most people reading this may well own more than two guns [eyecross], it means there’s still an awful lot of work to be done if we’re to turn America back into a Nation of Rifleman.

And I admit to some lollygagging on my part:  I don’t think I’ve taught a new shooter to shoot for over two years, now.  That’s inexcusable.

Let’s get onto that, folks.

*Quite a few people are going to be horrified at that number, but I’m not interested in the feelings of timorous people and statists [some overlap] .

National Ammo Day

For the first time since I started this thing back in 2002, I feel it’s kinda superfluous this year.

That’s a good thing, right?

Anyway, I did my bit, although it took me forever to find the right ammo in a quantity larger than a single box… sheesh.


Whenever you’re looking at a gun stuff website and you find this little notice:

…that’s pretty much a crib sheet for places where you do not want to live.

This particular one spotted at Firequest, where they sell “exotic” (a.k.a. “cool but spendy”) stuff, e.g.:  As I said to Combat Controller (who sent me the link), at that price I don’t just want death, I expect thermonuclear action at the naughty end.

Hoo Boy

Just when I was about to post the (largely unnecessary) reminder for National Ammo Day, came this pearl of wisdom:

Simple response:  Would like to, always have in the past.  Can’t, now.

There are either per-order limits, or nothing in stock, or else the ammo is so expensive that I can’t afford it per box, let alone in bulk.  That said:


Good luck, folks.  Yer gonna need it.

Sic Transit

Herschel Smith has some bad things to say about the NRA, and can’t say that I disagree with a single one.  Here’s the killer part, though:

The NRA rating system can’t be trusted to mean anything at all, they haven’t won a real fight in God knows how long, they’re in court defending themselves, the best and brightest hopes have left the board of directors, they jettisoned the ones who didn’t (like Lt. Col. Allen West), and they’re eaten up with bitterness and internal politics and squabbles.
They were completely absent this last national election (did you hear anything from them?), and they’re trying at the moment just to survive.
What a wasted opportunity.  And all of this – every bit of it – was self inflicted.

Yup.  When you have an organization that nominally holds over five million members and you can’t do diddly with it, you deserve to pass into oblivion.

And for those who ask “Who else?”, may I suggest the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), which actually, you know, takes the anti-2A assholes to court and stuff.  Over the past ten years, SAF has done more for our gun rights than the NRA managed in twenty.