Website Problem

Longtime Reader Roy obviously took two Grumpy Pills instead of his normal one, and tells me off:

I hate to say it, Kim, but I am not seeing a whole lot of difference between your regular “Women” pics and your “Train Smash Women” pics. They all seem to have the same thing in common: “massive mammaries” all out of proportion to their figure.

Well, it all depends on perspective and situation, dunnit?  Here are two examples, one of my “regular” choices, and one Train Smash.  See if you can spot the difference:

The point is not the similarities in appearance — of which I will readily agree, on occasion — but life choices.

One of the problems with liking voluminous female frontal shapes is that generally speaking, one has to accept a certain degree of, shall we say extra tonnage on the rest of the premises.

More to the point, skinny women with huge tatas are the ones which look misshapen (YMMV):

…whereas the larger ladies (my preference) at least look in proportion (e.g. Kelly Brook, above).

And let’s not even talk about Teh Skinnies:

…who have no place on my website unless they do something of note (Righteous Shooters, for example).

So there ya go.

Never Left It

According to some idiot (no link because TIME magazine, fukkem):

It’s Time to Go Back to the Joy of Social Drinking

As pandemic lockdowns ease and we return to ordinary life rhythms, the revival of social drinking should be embraced with euphoric gusto. The shared experience of music, happy chatter, effortlessly synchronized conversation, rising endorphin levels, and reduced inhibitions catalyzed by a few glasses of ethanol has been impossible to replace with Zoom chats, and it is something we’ve been desperately missing. Let us look forward to once again celebrating the ancient, distinctly human joy of sharing a pint or two among friends.

Yeah, I suppose he means something like this:



…or even this:

Hate to say it, buddy, but that’s the way I always drink and no, I didn’t stop during the Covidiocy.

Running Start

I see that 2022 is off to a good start (for some Australians, anyway):

People in the path of a bushfire raging in Perth’s leafy western suburbs have been urged to leave if they are not prepared to actively defend their homes.
The fire is burning in dense and dry bushland at Bold Park in Floreat about 10km west of Perth, near City Beach.

Of course, the fire also drives before it mice, snakes, spiders, etc. so it’s not just the fires the Aussies have to deal with.

News Roundup

Whee, a whole year’s worth of news roundups to endure… oh well, I have to start somewhere.

coffee meets laptop screen, via nose.

I’d rather ride a bike than drive one of their shitty cars, anyway.

all together now, to the tune of “How do you solve a problem like Maria?”:  “Every thing that we don’t like is rayciss…”

lotta dust in the air today.

this might be alarming if a.) the whole world hadn’t already seen what she’s got, and b.) if there was anything there worth seeing.

that’s how I read it, anyway.

and when the next “Polar Vortex” comes a-calling, the entire country will be FUBARIt’ll be even better if they think that climate change means no more polar vortexesHell, they can’t even handle current needs.

oh fuck off, all of you.

nice to know that they’ve fixed up mass starvation, rampant disease and all the other Shithole Country issues so that they can concentrate on weighty matters like this.

I got nothing.  Just… nothing.

And on a related topic:

if I went to one of these “intimate dinner parties” and was served this shit, I would wreck the whole house and/or shoot the hostess.

Enough laughter… it’s time for INSIGNIFICA:


And speaking of redheads, here’s Girls Aloud’s Nicola Roberts: