At What Price?

A little while ago I ordered something from Jeff Bezos, and was astonished to see that a “next day” delivery option was available;  this, mind you, for what I would consider a non-emergency item.  (On checking, it was for this TV series.)

Given how much work this entails for the actual workers at Amazon’s fulfillment center, it seemed a bit much.  So I’m not surprised whenever I see Amazon’s employees kicking back at the working conditions there, with timed (or no) bathroom breaks, performance metrics that would make an 18th-century textile company boss blush, and pay which quite frankly makes even a committed capitalist like myself feel embarrassed.

Small wonder that Bezos has fought tooth and nail against the unionization of his workforce.  And yet, even I, as (once again) a committed capitalist, can see that it’s precisely these kind of working conditions that caused the formation of workers’ unions in the first place.

And then the unions go overboard like those in the U.K., and we all hates on them unions… with good reason.

Here’s my solution to the Amazon situation.  I have no problem with Bezos offering rapid delivery;  but such deliveries should incur something like a 25% surcharge — with said surcharge amount being added in toto  to the paycheck of the worker who actually filled the order (and yes:  Amazon can tell which worker filled which order).

That has as much likelihood of happening as Biden’s socialists lowering income taxes, of course, because someone has to pay for Jeff’s toys.

Do not take this for an uncharacteristic (for me) shot at wealthy people:  I have no problem with people building wealth and spending money.

But I do object to the ill-treatment of workers at the bottom of the pyramid, all in the name of “customer satisfaction”.


Via Insty comes this link, and I have to say that I don’t really care about “what’s new” in shotguns, mostly because the shotgun circa 1935 (or earlier) was pretty much perfected, and what’s followed since has been tinkering.


I don’t own any shotguns at the moment (try to contain your gasps of astonishment), but I have to say that this little puppy caught my eye (link in pic):

…which retails for just over $300.

For a while now, I’ve been thinking about getting an inexpensive pump shotgun for those unwelcome midnight-guest occasions, and I’ve come to the following conclusions:

  • I’m unlikely to shoot that many rounds through a pump-action once I’m done familiarizing myself with it in terms of its trigger and working the action — I know how to work a pump gun
  • maybe once a year I’ll head out to TDSA for a little melon-blasting fun, just for practice
  • magic word for such occasions:  PAST (recoil pad)
  • ergo I don’t have to worry myself too much about recoil, so I can get a 12ga which is the bee’s knees cartridge for self-defense purposes

This is not true for a clay pigeon (sporting) shotgun, where I will be putting hundreds of rounds through it because fun.  This CZ Bobwhite has long been on my list:

…in that it fills all my sporting shotgun requirements (20ga, side-by-side, straight “English” stock, splinter fore-end, double trigger).  This list makes the CZ rather less affordable (~$950) but I don’t want to compromise.  And we all know how quickly this kind of shotgun’s price can spiral into silly money.

Anyway, I want to thank Insty for reawakening my urge to buy another gun — not that it takes much, mind you.

Melting Pot

Ah, once again we see the joys of immigration and cultural assimilation:

An Afghan migrant who raped and sexually assaulted multiple young boys and girls defended his vile abuse as ‘normal’ cultural practice in his home country.

He did get 15 years for his “first” offense (raping a 12-year-old boy) and is due to get his pee-pee whacked for a slew of other such atrocities.  Even for the French, this appears to be too much.

I await the wails of the cultural apologists, with interest.

As for the “melting pot” issue so beloved of the open border crowd, allow me to suggest that this melting pot is what I would have in mind for offenders such as the above:

…although no doubt some people would think that this is A Step Too Far, Kim.

News Roundup

Brought to you by:

And speaking of “wrong”:

ordinarily, I would suggest that the Antifa punks’ houses should be firebombed;  but why should their parents suffer?

note that the “official” reasons for quitting are nowhere close to the actual.  But who cares?  The more Democrats out of government, the better.

but did they pave it over, or turn it into an artillery practice target?  Noooo.

And then Roger Kimball posts the rhetorical question:

to quote Meg Ryan:  “Yes!  Yes!  Oh God, YES!”  (link included)

that’s rich;  richer than both of you combined.

key word: …wait… Iowa?

to the complete surprise of ERCOT.  And you want us to be an independent nation?

Dept. Of Assimilation:

Africa wins again.

the Muzzies, in contrast, know exactly what separates men from the hijab-wearers.

kidney, spleen, whatever:  they all look the same.

not gonna say it… not gonna say it

In the “Who Could Tell?” department:

so don’t wear one.  Nobody would notice, Flatty.

And in contrast:

don’t say I didn’t warn ya.

And from the INSIGNIFICA Files:



who she?  you ask.  An interesting story.

“Sarah Jayne Dunn, 40, played Mandy Richardson on [BritTV] soap Hollyoaks for 26 years until she was sensationally dropped last year for having an account on adult subscription site OnlyFans.”  (Actually, they stopped filming the show because Covidiocy, and our Sarah had no other source of income and was pretty much forced into showing off her bod on OnlyFans.  Now she makes far more than she ever did as a TV actress.)

So who she? you ask again.

Not bad for 40, I have to say.  Now I have no idea whether she gets “adventurous” on her OnlyFans pages, and I certainly wouldn’t pay a subscription to see even that because of those prison-quality tattoos (ugh).  But it seems that a large number of Brits are prepared to do so, and so good luck to her, say I.

And that, as they say, is all the news fit to ponder.

Wrong Target

We all know that the eco-loons are bereft of wit (in the old fashioned sense — i.e. they’re clueless), but this little game surely takes the Golden Moron Award of 2022 (amidst, it should be said, strong competition from the Biden Maladministration):

The 10th stage of the Tour de France was halted for 10 minutes on Tuesday after half a dozen climate activists tried to stop riders on the road before being pulled out by police and a senior organisers’ official.

Look, I don’t agree with anything these fuckwits are doing, but at least I can see the logic behind blocking a motorway, if you are all about stopping Big Oil or whatever.

But blocking a bicycle race?  Where’s the eco-harm in that?

I know, I know;  it’s all about the publicity and has nothing to so with logic.

What I want to know is:  what’s going to happen in 989 days?

Actually, never mind.  Whatever they say will happen then, won’t.  Especially if they’re relying on climate “models” for their Doomsday prediction.

Perverts And Child Molesters

I have often ranted about how ordinary English words have been appropriated and stripped of their original meaning by people and movements whose actions I deplore:  “gay” for “homosexual”, “grass” for “marijuana”, and so on.

There is a category on this website entitled “Grooming”, and I bitterly resent that a word which has all to do with manners, clothing, fashion and such has likewise been hijacked by Perverts International.  Who they?  you ask.  Why, this bunch of assholes in Britishland, for example:

School children are told prostitution is a ‘rewarding job’ by sex education providers who promote ‘kinks’ to pupils including flogging, beating and locking people up in a cage.

I know exactly whom I’d like to flog, beat and lock in a cage (e.g. an iron maiden), thereafter followed by impalement, and it’s these “sex education providers” who are corrupting children.

I’d refer to them as “motherfuckers”, but that would be a misnomer, wouldn’t it?  They have their sights set much lower.