
As an Ole Phartte of some renown, imagine my gleeful chuckles when reading about this man’s requirements for employment at his business:

A Welsh dessert shop boss has shared the most brutal job advert you’ve ever seen on Facebook, but has been universally praised for his no-nonsense attitude.

And if you don’t give at least one approving “attaboy” when you read the ad, we can’t be friends.

Here’s a similar no-nonsense attitude, but in precisely the opposite direction.

We run Britain’s strictest pub – no phones or kids are allowed inside and anyone who swears is BANNED

As one would imagine, I would be in real danger here — although I’ve found that the more I drink, paradoxically, the less I swear.  (Regular Drinking Buddies Mr. Free Market, The Englishman and Doc Russia might contradict this, though.)

Whatever:  I would happily guard my tongue at the Fox & Goose to be free from screaming children and fucking (oops) cell phones.  The only thing that might cause me to give the place a miss is that I’m not that fond of Samuel Smith beer — but then again, life is full of compromises. innit?

Dangerous Consequences

I couldn’t help but compare the BritRoyals to the Democrats when I saw this article:

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, both 40, and Prince George, eight, Princess Charlotte, seven, Prince Louis, four, and their black cocker spaniel Orla were seen leaving their Kensington residence on Monday evening.

The Queen’s antipathy towards helicopters is well known, because she views them as dangerous (e.g. Stevie Ray Vaughan).  Not to be too ghoulish about it, but if that particular chopper went down, it would create an interesting situation vis-a-vis the Royal succession line because after Charles would come — yes — Prince Ginger and his son Archie.

Imagine the scenario where Duchess Meghan CaringSlut one day became Queen… and most likely, Queen Mother in the reign of King Archie.  I would suggest that inheritance of title through birth suddenly looks a lot less appealing.

This is somewhat similar in outcome to the prospect of President Kamala SexToy for the Democrats.

At What Price?

A little while ago I ordered something from Jeff Bezos, and was astonished to see that a “next day” delivery option was available;  this, mind you, for what I would consider a non-emergency item.  (On checking, it was for this TV series.)

Given how much work this entails for the actual workers at Amazon’s fulfillment center, it seemed a bit much.  So I’m not surprised whenever I see Amazon’s employees kicking back at the working conditions there, with timed (or no) bathroom breaks, performance metrics that would make an 18th-century textile company boss blush, and pay which quite frankly makes even a committed capitalist like myself feel embarrassed.

Small wonder that Bezos has fought tooth and nail against the unionization of his workforce.  And yet, even I, as (once again) a committed capitalist, can see that it’s precisely these kind of working conditions that caused the formation of workers’ unions in the first place.

And then the unions go overboard like those in the U.K., and we all hates on them unions… with good reason.

Here’s my solution to the Amazon situation.  I have no problem with Bezos offering rapid delivery;  but such deliveries should incur something like a 25% surcharge — with said surcharge amount being added in toto  to the paycheck of the worker who actually filled the order (and yes:  Amazon can tell which worker filled which order).

That has as much likelihood of happening as Biden’s socialists lowering income taxes, of course, because someone has to pay for Jeff’s toys.

Do not take this for an uncharacteristic (for me) shot at wealthy people:  I have no problem with people building wealth and spending money.

But I do object to the ill-treatment of workers at the bottom of the pyramid, all in the name of “customer satisfaction”.


Via Insty comes this link, and I have to say that I don’t really care about “what’s new” in shotguns, mostly because the shotgun circa 1935 (or earlier) was pretty much perfected, and what’s followed since has been tinkering.


I don’t own any shotguns at the moment (try to contain your gasps of astonishment), but I have to say that this little puppy caught my eye (link in pic):

…which retails for just over $300.

For a while now, I’ve been thinking about getting an inexpensive pump shotgun for those unwelcome midnight-guest occasions, and I’ve come to the following conclusions:

  • I’m unlikely to shoot that many rounds through a pump-action once I’m done familiarizing myself with it in terms of its trigger and working the action — I know how to work a pump gun
  • maybe once a year I’ll head out to TDSA for a little melon-blasting fun, just for practice
  • magic word for such occasions:  PAST (recoil pad)
  • ergo I don’t have to worry myself too much about recoil, so I can get a 12ga which is the bee’s knees cartridge for self-defense purposes

This is not true for a clay pigeon (sporting) shotgun, where I will be putting hundreds of rounds through it because fun.  This CZ Bobwhite has long been on my list:

…in that it fills all my sporting shotgun requirements (20ga, side-by-side, straight “English” stock, splinter fore-end, double trigger).  This list makes the CZ rather less affordable (~$950) but I don’t want to compromise.  And we all know how quickly this kind of shotgun’s price can spiral into silly money.

Anyway, I want to thank Insty for reawakening my urge to buy another gun — not that it takes much, mind you.

Melting Pot

Ah, once again we see the joys of immigration and cultural assimilation:

An Afghan migrant who raped and sexually assaulted multiple young boys and girls defended his vile abuse as ‘normal’ cultural practice in his home country.

He did get 15 years for his “first” offense (raping a 12-year-old boy) and is due to get his pee-pee whacked for a slew of other such atrocities.  Even for the French, this appears to be too much.

I await the wails of the cultural apologists, with interest.

As for the “melting pot” issue so beloved of the open border crowd, allow me to suggest that this melting pot is what I would have in mind for offenders such as the above:

…although no doubt some people would think that this is A Step Too Far, Kim.