
From one of the Socialist Party’s prime gun-confiscators:

Translation:  we can’t dig up any dirt on this chick, so there’s no point trying to hold up her nomination.  Therefore, I’m just going to hold my breath till my face turns blue.

Blowing Against The Wind

…or to be more precise, against a hurricane.  First, we have this situation:

The trifecta of coronavirus fears, George Floyd protests, and the push to defund the police has resulted in surging gun sales in Minnesota.

The number of background checks conducted in Minnesota in March represented a 20-year high.
Then came the May 25 death of George Floyd and the subsequent riots, after which Frontiersman Sports owner Kory Krouse said the demand for guns went through the roof.
Krouse said, “People are really scared coming in here. We had a three, four hour wait just to get up to the counter during the height of … the rioting.”
As a result of the surge, gun store inventories are down and ammunition is scarce.

So one would think that a savvy politician would read the tea leaves (or, the actual statistics), and say, “Hmmm… this is probably not the right time to be pushing for gun control.”

Step forward, Minneso-duh! senator Tina Smith:

Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN) is pushing an “assault weapons” ban, a “high capacity” magazine ban, and an expansion of background checks that would outlaw private gun sales.
According to her campaign website, Smith cosponsored the “Assault Weapons Ban of 2019,” which would have banned 205 commonly-owned semiautomatic firearms and all ammunition magazines holding more than ten rounds.
Smith also cosponsored the Background Check Expansion Act (BCEA). The BCEA was a push to expand retail background checks to private sales as well. In doing that, BCEA would have criminalized private sales, making it illegal for a neighbor to sell a five-shot revolver to a lifelong neighbor without first finding a Federal Firearms License holder and having a background check performed.

You have to be in the grip of a special kind of stupid to do this kind of thing in the current circumstances.  But that’s the deal with doctrinaire Socialists:  it’s all about the intentions, never about the outcomes and consequences.  And never mind what the proles think:  the Party is always right, comrades.

Even when they’re horribly, hopelessly wrong.

All The Usual Crap

Oh, this is just too precious for words.  From our favorite Commie politician comes this little zinger:

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) touted her intersectional oppression in a recent interview with the New York Times, lamenting that she constantly has to “deal with the hate of anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-blackness, but also with sexism” in the United States.

I haven’t seen that many cards played since the last World Poker Championship.

I dunno, Omar;  I have no idea what you are like as a person — although there seems to be mounting evidence that you are a fairly unpleasant and dishonest individual — but your religion, ancestry, skin color and gender have nothing to do with the reason people dislike you and attack you.

We conservatives dislike and attack all Communists, of which you are an examplar.  Your policies and political positions are, to be honest, anti-American, and you are the worst kind of immigrant — one who arrives in a new country and then sets about trying to change it to resemble more their country of origin.  Then, when people use their freedom of speech (a freedom not especially common in your homeland) to attack your politics, you cry foul and assume that it’s all because you’re a Black Muslim immigrant woman.

It isn’t.  It’s because you’re a fucking seditious Communist, you rancid bitch.


Another, but totally different, immigrant from Africa.


Stealing Power

It’s become a fact of modern American life that whatever the Left accuses the Republicans (specifically Trump) of doing, the Left are either already doing, or plan to do themselves — what Glenn Reynolds often refers to as “projection”.

So, for example, the Republicans are “denying people the vote” by attempting to stop voter fraud, when in fact it’s the Left who are nullifying registered voters’ franchise by encouraging non-citizens to vote, or else busing people from poll station to poll station so that they can vote several times in the same election.

And of course, there’s the “Trump will refuse to leave office if he loses” trope — i.e. he won’t accept the result of the election, when in fact it’s the Left who won’t accept their loss:

A loss by Joe Biden under these circumstances is the worst case not because Trump will destroy America (he can’t), but because it is the outcome most likely to undermine faith in democracy, resulting in more of the social unrest and street battles.

(The article, by the way, is the biggest load of shit, but read it anyway — at least the asshole admits that the Left has no interest in accepting electoral loss.)

In presidential elections, once is a fluke; twice is a pattern. I struggle to imagine how, beyond utter shock, millions of Democrats will process a Trump victory. A loss for Biden, after having been the clear favorite all summer, would provoke mass disillusion with electoral politics as a means of change—at a time when disillusion is already dangerously high.

Thus, Trump’s first victory over the most unpopular candidate ever fielded by the Democrats was a “fluke”, and now, aided by skewed, inaccurate and dishonest polling that missed the entirety of Trump’s support in 2016, the “more popular” candidate losing will trigger dissatisfaction in the voting process?  (Oh yeah… let’s hear it for “the Russians”, for whom even their own investigation — remember Robert Mueller’s little gang of hatchetmen? — couldn’t prove collusion with the Trump campaign.)

It couldn’t possibly be that American voters might reject the Left’s politics — how could it be, when the Left is inarguably so correct? After all, doesn’t everyone want open borders, sky-high taxes, a welfare state, a nationalized health system, disarmed citizens, diversity-led racist hiring- and education practices and redistribution of private wealth?  (Those who don’t, of course, are EvilRaycissFascist Trumpalos, because without a class enemy, Marxism fails:  time after time after time.)

No, it can’t be rejection:  it must be the process.  After Trump wins again in November (and assuming he doesn’t get a popular majority of the vote), expect a full-frontal assault on the Electoral College, with intimidation and threats directed at electors as well.  And that’s just the political response.

If what this asshole (and many others) are telling us is correct, then in the event of a Biden-Harris loss in November we can expect not this:

…but this?

Let’s see how that plays out, shall we?

We conservatives may actually have to start living up to the Leftists’ depiction of us.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the range.

Lying Bastards

We all know that politicians lie like, well, Democrats;  so it should come as no surprise to anyone that wannabe-POTUS Joe Hidin’ is talking bullshit again, albeit through surrogates:

Attempts to conceal and lie about Biden and Harris’s gun control positions are a tacit admission that the public does not want the gun control these candidates pursue. If such measures have the popularity their backers often pretend they do, there would be no need to obscure their goals. Rather, gun control advocates and politicians understand that they cannot succeed if they are forthright with the electorate about their extreme positions.

We all know that Biden, Harris and all the other assholes blabbed their loathing for guns during their party’s primary elections, and tried to outdo each other when boasting about how much they were going to fuck over gun owners, take away their AR-15s and so on.

I know that after the primaries, which exist to rally the faithful, candidates usually “tack to the center” for the general elections.  Unfortunately (for these pricks), we all know what they have planned for us:  California- and Australia- style laws and regulations designed to make gun ownership difficult and cumbersome, and (probably) gun registration and -confiscation.   Are they promising all that?  No, of course not:  it’s all driven by “need”,

Simple replay to all this mendacity:  fuck off, Sparky.  No amount of reassurance from Biden and Harris are going to pull the wool over our eyes, so they might as well give it all up and run on the Gun Control & Confiscation ticket.

They’re going to get crushed whatever they do.