Cuts Both Ways, Assholes

Apparently, we conservatives are Beyond The Pale.  Saith Jennifer Rubin:

There is no way to “understand” MAGA voters, nor is there is any possibility of reaching political agreement with them. They are beyond the bounds of rational political debate.

Hey, Jen:  substitute “socialist voters” for “MAGA voters”, and you’ll have an idea of what we think of you lot.  The only thing you need to understand about us is that we hate your putrid political philosophy and your criminal voting practices.

And then some other Lenin-lickspittle chimes in with:

There is no longer any reason to try to “understand” these people. Nor should there be any compunction about doing whatever we can to read them out of American politics…

…by any means available, you mean?


New Candidate

You all know the “One Shot” game, right?  (It’s the conservative gun owners’ game whereby if you were to have just one clear shot at some asshole with no consequences — for you, that is — who would be your candidate?)

Well, here’s a competitor for George Soros’s top spot on the perennial hit parade, so to speak:

The new ad from the National Redistricting Action Fund, a partisan lobbying group helmed by former attorney general Eric Holder, goes after the power billionaires wield through anonymous “dark money” contributions. Unmentioned is the at least $3 million funneled anonymously to the National Redistricting Action Fund in recent years by Hansjörg Wyss, a foreign billionaire who has quietly emerged as a liberal megadonor in the United States.

Who he?

A real asshole, even of he’s just judged by the company he keeps.

Please adjust your “One Shot” lists accordingly.

Closing Fast

Interesting take by ZMan over at Taki’s Mag:

One of the remarkable things about the collapse of the Soviet Union is that it just melted away without a struggle.  It was as if everyone could not think of a reason to keep it going.  The reason for that is the trust in the key institutions had drained away.  There was no reason to defend them or participate in them.  The people running the institutions had used up all of the social trust to maintain their positions.  When it was gone, the institutions collapsed.
Something similar is happening in America.

Many years ago, a dystopian novel entitled The HAB Theory  was published, whose premise was that as the ice caps grew larger, the added weight would create an imbalance in the Earth’s rotation — and when the “wobble” became too much to support, the Earth would upend itself, the heavy poles would realign along the equator (and eventually melt), whilst new ice caps would naturally form in the northern and southern latitudes, as before.

While that theory is (rightly) regarded as nonsensical now, what was interesting was that when the tipping point arrived, the collapse was very sudden — anyone who’s ever spun an old-fashioned top with string can attest to that.  Everything’s fine when the top is spinning fast, but as it slows it begins to wobble — and in less than a second, it’s flying all over the floor on its side, still spinning uselessly in its death throes.

I just wonder, given ZMan’s hypothesis, how close we are to that point in the U.S.


There Today, Here Tomorrow

Writing from behind enemy lines, Longtime Reader MartinK sends me this message:

This will give you an idea about today’s fuel prices in Germany; translated into $/gal. for your convenience:
Diesel: $6.30/gal; Unleaded: $7.34/gal.

The Green candidate (Annalena Baerbock) for the Federal elections in September 2021 openly speaks about raising these prices by another €0.16/litre (= $0.74/gal.) if she should win the elections.
Please not to worry though because these price levels will come to the USA soon.
After all, our Green Party is nothing but a carbon copy of the US Democrat Party.
Hope I have not spoiled your weekend.

Actually, this is small potatoes compared to our Greens, who want to destroy the oil industry altogether.

And this Kraut Greenie looks pretty much as you’d expect her to look:

Interesting, If True

Like many a denizen of a MAGA Red Trump State, I’ve been apprehensive about the hordes of Californicators, Noo Yokkers and similar refugees from their respective hellholes pouring into Texas.  It seems, however, that my fears (and that of others of my ilk) of Bluestaters turning our state purple if not Blue may be a little too pessimistic.  Here are some numbers:

The results of the 2020 census are in, and the Democrats are looking very nervous. It turns out that red states are growing and blue states are shrinking. Red States are gaining three congressional seats while blue states are losing three. In fact, California will lose a seat for the first time ever. Legislative and Electoral College power is shifting in favor of the Republicans.
But the propaganda ministry is trying to convince us that this is all good news for the crime family that calls itself the Democrats. The narrative is that liberals are moving from blue states to red states and will eventually turn them blue. But as we’ve learned, if the talking heads are talking, they’re most likely lying. So, let’s examine what they’re saying.

He looks at his (new) home state of Idaho:

Between 2013 and 2019, the percentage of voters who registered as Republican went from 32.4% to 50.8%.  Democrats added 52,300 voters to their rolls, but Republicans added a whopping 200,000 to theirs!  Idahoans are becoming more engaged in politics, and their political proclivity is clearly conservative.

His conclusion?

The reality is that conservative states are becoming more conservative, and they are gaining political clout at the same time.  The people moving about the country aren’t missionaries going forth to spread socialism, any more than those fleeing Cuba in the last century were trying to bring communism to Florida.  They’re escaping the blue states in search of the America of their youth.

To paraphrase the title of this post:  I sure damn hope it’s true, and all this isn’t wishful thinking.

From another American Thinker article, here’s what happened in Texas recently:

Back on Election Day 2020, the Democrats were convinced that it was their year.  After all, didn’t Beto O’Rourke break the ice when he got 48% against Senator Cruz?  On the Friday before the election, a poll had Biden up and Senator John Cornyn in a tie.  As you know, President Trump carried Texas, and Senator Cornyn had a landslide re-election.  Wonder if anyone asked for a refund from that pollster?
It was going to be their year until they counted the votes.  Then suddenly it was good old Red Texas all over again.  The Democrats went 0-10 in congressional districts despite putting lots of resources and TV ads into tying every candidate to President Trump.  In the end, the TV ads tying Democrats to “defund the police” turned out to be more persuasive.


First, the Democrats are finding out that a growing Hispanic population does not necessarily mean more Democrats elected.  President Trump did well in South Texas in large part because Hispanics like a strong economy and do not believe that the border should be open.  After all, most of those Hispanics were born here or respected the law to come in.  They don’t understand why other people cannot do the same thing.
Second, the Democrats have a San Francisco message that does not play well in Texas.  From “abortion on demand” to gun control, the Democrat message is not turning on voters.  The abortion issue (the new heartbeat law) will be a problem for Democrats with Hispanic women.  As a Hispanic lady said to me: “How can you abort a heart beating?”  My guess is that most Hispanic women agree with that.
So what do you do when your voters don’t turn out or your jingle doesn’t get clicks?  You blame the other side for “suppressing” the vote.

I’m not so sure that the Socialists are going to do that well with their precious Black voters, either.  At least, if this guy is at all representative.  (Loud, epic video)

And if you don’t break out in giggles like a ticklish schoolgirl, I don’t wanna talk to you no more.