
In which we see the goals of the Left:

Irene Montero, a Communist who is the Minister of Equality in the left-wing Podemos government in Spain, says the quiet part out loud: that equality means children have the right to have sex if they want to.


This is it. This is the end game of these queer theorists and gender ideologues: the sexualization of children. It was always going to end up here. This is what all these drag queen story hours mean, and these “family-friendly drag shows”. It’s all about sexualizing children and grooming them to become prey for pedophiles — sorry, “Minor-Attracted Persons.”

Did they even go this far in Weimar Germany?

Fuck me, not even the Soviet Union dared to go this far.  I think we need to go Full Hungarian (see article).  Otherwise:

Walls.  Machine guns.  Child mutilators.  Queer theorists and gender ideologues.

Some assembly required.

Or:  the new Republican House and Senate can grow some balls and start making Hungarian-style federal laws next year, instead of wasting their time in pointless impeachments of President Braindead.

Don’t hold your breath.

Basic Stupidity

Several of you sent me this lovely little bit of governmental stupidity:

More than 140 people experiencing homelessness in Denver will each be provided up to $1,000 in cash a month for up to one year as part of a basic income program designed to help “lift individuals out of homelessness,” the city announced last week.

The $2 million contract with the Denver Basic Income Project was approved by the City Council and will provide direct cash assistance to more than 140 women, transgender and gender non-conforming individuals, and families in shelters.

Civic altruism and wokism, all subsidized by taxpayer dollars.  And I hate to break it to these Colorado morons, but “up to” a grand is going to lift precisely nobody out of poverty.  It will, however, encourage more people in similar circumstances to come to Denver…

Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of socialists.

Pinochet Wins Again

I loved visiting Chile back in 2015.  The country was lovely, the people were friendly, and the food was not only fantastic but cheap.

The problem is that in Chile, the ghosts of Augusto Pinochet and Salvador Allende are still a presence in the country — the former in country-club toasts like “To General Pinochet:  the savior of Chile”, and the latter in the elections such as the last one, which installed a Marxist government.

Speaking of the Marxists, they wasted no time in drawing up a new (Communist) constitution for Chile, which they put up to the vote last week.

Seems as though the Chileans figured it all out, though, because they voted down the proposed constitution, 62%-38%.

Predictably, the Left had promoted the new constitution with rallies in their usual manner, such as this one:

One particularly alienating performance occurred in the city of Valparaiso just a week before the vote at an event in favor of the new constitution when “a drag queen had the national flag pulled out of his rectum while his bandmates encouraged the audience to ‘abort Chile,’” according to the Economist, resulting in widespread outrage.

Valparaiso, lest we forget, is the birthplace of Augusto Pinochet, where women place fresh flowers reverently outside his old house every day.  This is not the place for the Left to let their freak flag fly, as fellow-Lefty David Crosby once crooned;  but they did, and then wondered why the people told them to jump off a building.

I bet a lot of Chileans would support Lefties jumping from helicopters far out at sea, too.

Like I said, Pinochet’s ghost is never far away.

Update: the Communist Party (U.S. Division) are dismayed at all that democracy.

Two Reasons

Insty linked to this post yesterday:

Retailers and logistics operators are struggling to find space to store the flood of goods that have swamped warehouses and weighed on their balance sheets.

Warehouse owners say more retailers are looking to add storage capacity, both for goods now reaching their networks of stores and distribution centers and as they prepare to keep more inventory on hand long-term to guard against stock-outs.

Well, yes.

What the article does not mention is that “forward buying” (the industry term for this activity) is also a retailer’s hedge against inflation:  buy at today’s price, to sell at tomorrow’s (higher) inflated price, and use the profits to forward buy still more, until inflation comes back down.

We Americans have been sheltered from the latter by our traditionally-low inflation rate. but now we’re going to feel just like consumers in Third World countries, for whom continuously-high inflation is an everyday fact of life.

Yet another reason to hate this fucking Democrat government.

Roll on November 2022, and roll on November 2024 even more quickly.

Fancy That

Sometimes, the news is just priceless.

Why are people across China refusing to pay housing loans?

A wave of disgruntled homebuyers are refusing to pay mortgages for unfinished or stalled housing projects, as debt-strapped property developers run out of cash. Payments have stopped on at least 100 projects in more than 50 cities, according to researcher China Real Estate Information Corp. Analysts believe that a drop in home values may be another driver for the refusal to meet payments. Until recently, China’s mortgages have been considered among the safest banking assets because of high down payments and collateral value.

So let me see:  you take on debt to purchase a product, and when the product fails to be delivered, you refuse to pay for it.  Only in a world of banker-thought can you be the bad guy.

As to why all this is happening, see here.  (Executive summary:  it was all built on debt.)

And it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of Commie assholes.

Needless To Say

Here’s one of life’s little ironies which will be totally lost on… well, you’ll see.

Apparently, some dickhead made a fool of himself outside a Congressional rep’s house, making death threats and various racial slurs, all while carrying a gun.

We know nothing about Dickhead, but we know quite a bit about the politician, who is an extreme socialist and Indian immigrant named Pramila Jayapal.  Jayapal is one of the leading lights of Seattle’s left-wing residents (no small achievement, that), who was (and is) a strong supporter of defunding police and of BLM in general.

So what did our cop-hating lady socialist do when said dickhead made his appearance outside her house, wanting to send her back to India or else kill her?

Of course:  she called the cops.

The Seattle cops have no sense of humor, of course, so they raced over and arrested the schmuck.

Had I been a Seattle cop, I would have taken my sweet time to get there — observing the speed limit, stopping for a bathroom break while taking the most circuitous route possible, and finally:  letting Dickhead go with a warning (he was carrying, but not brandishing his pistol) — all so this dreadful Commie could come face to face with some of the consequences of her own political positions that she inflicts on others.

I don’t know whether this foul bitch is on record for supporting the “activism” outside the various Supreme Court justices’ homes, but I’ll put money on the likelihood that she does.

So it’s all the more ironic when yet another of her positions comes around for a little home visit.  [insert Alinsky reference here, something about using their own rules to harass them]

Update:  via Comments, I see that the dickhead was released (to the consternation of the locals) — yet another of the criminal-lovers’ chickens coming home to roost.  Too funny.