No Big Deal

From indefatigable Reader Mike L, I get the news that three containers of ammo appear to have been stolen in North Carolina.

At first, I rushed to make sure that I had an alibi for the times in which the crimes were committed, but when I learned it was all Winchester White Box 9mm FMJ, I pretty much quit, because even the BATF/FBI spies lurking around this website should have realized by now that I’m never in the market for that silly stuff — not even to sell, let alone possess.

Probably an inside job, I’m guessing.

But that reminds me… I need to get to the gun store to buy some more ammo.  Manly stuff, not that Euro nonsense.

“French soldiers training with handguns”?


Here’s another one of those “Wow, who’d a thunk?” moments:

The Defense Department’s chief diversity equity and inclusion officer has a history of anti-white tweets.  Kelisa Wing is the DEI chief at Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA, which provides K-12 education to the DoD community in the U.S. and all over the world), also wrote books on ‘white privilege,’ defunding the police and BLM.

“I’m exhausted with these white folx in these [professional development] sessions.” Wing wrote in a July 2020 tweet, according to Fox News. This lady actually had the CAUdacity to say that black people can be racist too… I had to stop the session and give Karen the BUSINESS… [W]e are not the majority, we don’t have power.”

“Caudacity” is a slang term to describe “audacity” demonstrated by white people specifically in reference to ‘white privilege.’

Frankly, I think that any job title containing the words “diversity”, “equity” or “inclusion” should be labeled as what it really is:  “A Worthless Job For An Otherwise-Unqualified Black Person”.

By the way, Sister Kelisa:  Black people not only can be racist — see Jesse Jackson talking about “Hymietown”, and just about every other speech uttered by that equally-foul racist, Al Sharpton — but they are racist;  ask any Korean or Indian shopkeeper for examples.

Also:  racism doesn’t stem from power, you fucking moron, if you ever gave it a moment’s thought.  (“Thought?  Wut’s that White-ass shit?)  You’re just another of those bullshit artists parlaying their private grievances into a “career”.

And just on a point of order:  if it describes a sin committed by Whites, shouldn’t it be “waudacity”, if we’re going to invent words to convey a meaning?

By the way:  she looks exactly as you’d expect her to look.


It is not often that I watch a documentary all the way through with my mouth open in amazement, but watching Gladbeck: The Hostage Crisis  on Netflix did that to me.

I don’t know how many times I burst out with “WTF?” and “I can’t believe this!” and similar;  and you will too.

I know we’ve come a long way since the late 1980s, but this documentary needs to be shown to police forces worldwide as a “How NOT To Handle A Hostage Situation” guideline.

The Jackals Of The Press don’t come off covered with glory either — although I know that any other country’s Press, under the same circumstances, would have behaved the same or worse.  (“And now, over to our reporter on the scene, Geraldo Rivera…” OMG, the mind boggles.)

And it ends terribly.