Gratuitous Gun Pic: S&W 627-5 Performance Center (.357 Mag)

This one caught my eye at Collectors:

I know, I know:  the constant gripe about Smith’s Performance Center (or “Profit Center”, as it’s sometimes called) is that they take a gun and turn it into what the gun should have been at the outset, for about a grand’s difference.

I don’t think that’s fair, because while a standard Smith 627 is not exactly a slouch in the Gun Beauty Division:

…there is no doubt that like any standard-issue gun, it can always be improved by a little judicious tinkering.  Which is what the Performance Center does.  And yes, like any bespoke changes, you gotta pay for the improvements.

In Colt terms, this is like the difference between the excellent Colt Trooper:

..and the magnificent Python.

I would be perfectly happy with a Trooper or S&W 627 (although 8 rounds in the 627, hubba hubba).  Both are excellent revolvers, no question about it.

And the Python and 627 PC?  Wonderful.  And you pay extra for the doubleplus part.  There’s no problem with that.

Random Chick Pic

My my, how Heidi Klum’s little girl Leni has grown up:

She’s nineteen now, and those pics were taken on some rich guy’s yacht, where she and a couple of buddies of approximately-similar age were disporting themselves with anything but “gay” abandon, if you know what I mean.  So clearly, young Leni has not just inherited Mommy Heidi’s looks…

And just a reminder as to who’s her daddy

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

Coming in thick ‘n fast these days… this one from the Nawlins area:

23-year-old Gerald Pope allegedly targeted the 43-year-old cabby around 1 a.m. Monday morning as the armed citizen was sitting in his vehicle at an intersection in the city’s southeast side, pulling a gun and demanding the driver hand over his cash.

So far, so good (for the choirboy).  Then:

The cab driver, who was not publicly identified, shot Pope multiple times.  He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Wait for the applause line:

The cab driver in the Crescent City suburb of Metairie, Louisiana will not face charges after shooting and killing the man who was trying to rob him at gunpoint.

Okay, off you go:

Even better is the fact that this wasn’t the asshole carjacker’s first rodeo… but it was definitely his last.

More Expert Bullshit

Oh, how we laughed:

It’s a mystery that has puzzled scientists for years, but one scientist believes he may finally know what’s behind the Bermuda Triangle disappearances.

The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the North Atlantic ocean near Bermuda, where several ships have disappeared over the years. Some have claimed that there’s a whirlpool hidden there, while others suggest that aliens may be to blame for the disappearances. But one expert claims that rocks may explain the mystery.

Speaking in a Channel 5 documentary, Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle, Nick Hutchings, a mineral prospector, explained: “Bermuda’s basically a sea mountain – it’s an underwater volcano. 30 million years ago, it was sticking up above sea level. It has now eroded away and we’re left with the top of a volcano. We have a few core samples, which have magnetite in them. It’s the most magnetic naturally occurring material on Earth.”

On the programme, Mr Hutchings then conducted an experiment using some of the rock and a compass. When the rock was placed on a flat surface and the compass was moved over it, the needle went crazy. This is due to the fact the rocks contain magnetite. Mr Hutchings added: “You can just imagine the ancient mariners sailing past Bermuda. It would be very disconcerting.”

…especially as said ancient mariners would have been sailing in wooden ships.

Not Trusted

Like we didn’t know this before:

The former head of the MI6 who was in charge during the UK’s invasion of Iraq has claimed scientists’ warnings about the dangers of artificial intelligence can necessarily be trusted because of incorrect claims they made about Covid-19.

Sir Richard Dearlove said that as ‘brilliant’ scientists had gone ‘off piste’ during the pandemic, he was sceptical of experts telling him AI will destroy humanity.

Uh huh.

But to take this to its Schrodingian feline conclusion:

I don’t believe what spooks tell me either.

See how that works?

News Roundup

And in related news:

...can’t imagine why, but there’s no accounting for coons’ taste.  And speaking of theft:

...i.e. only a hair more than zero.

...and you are, again… oh yeah, as relevant as last year’s rice pudding

...must have had evidence which would convict the Clintons., no plastic, no paper… this leaves us with only the:

And speaking of drinking:

...given what teaching in public schools is like these days, I can sympathize. had me at “should be going to prison”.  Hands up all those who think that nobody’s going to go to prison for this:

Me, neither. mean that both my long-suffering Lady Readers aren’t offended by all my BOOOOBIES pics?

And speaking of boobs:

...only 13?

And now ’tis time for Ye Olde INSIGNIFICA:

  ...key word:  Manchester.

Finally, in Sports News:

...of course this counts as “news”… would I lie to you?

Bouncy-bouncy news.  And it’s over.