News Roundup

And speaking of that White bread stuff:

...actually, I’m cool with that, just as long as “Black people” then become ineligible to get any kind of government support, welfare, MediCare or Social Security.  Everyone’s always talking about “fairness” — well that’s fair:  don’t pay in, don’t get anything out.  (Also, define “Black”:  Black, half-Black, quarter-Black, octoroon… where do you draw the line, and how?)

In Election News:

...forget it, Jake;  it’s Carville., I bet ol’ Donald’s going to miss those dozens of Pence supporters in November.

...has anyone seen Sarah Hoyt’s Shocked Face lying around?

From the International News desk:

...nothing like a little UN and NGO “assistance”, is there?

...just another DEI initiative.  If they’re not gonna breed, they may as well fight.

Time for an update on Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©:

...what happens when you buy into a hoax instead of looking at reality, where nobody wanted to rent the fucking things.

...and for those pissed-off French, German, Dutch, Spanish and Belgian farmers, this:

From the Dept. of Labor:

...which is all well and good.  But did Tyson not just admit to breaking the law?

In other Business News: have to ask yourself who would be that poor that they have to shoplift from Dollar G.

Time for some Crazy-Assed Shit News:

...I bet she’ll never use that dating app again.  Also keyword:  Georgia, and not Florida.

...and here I thought she could only have got it by banging someone who worked at the place.

And in matters of 


...seems that she’d not want that part of her life publicized;  but here we are.  And of course, she used to be a TV journalist (a group not exactly renowned for their chastity)… but she looks kinda wholesome — about a 7-8 or so:

And if that’s the news, we’re done.


  1. “(Also, define “Black”: Black, half-Black, quarter-Black, octoroon… where do you draw the line, and how?)”
    I’m sure she’ll draw the line such that she is exempt from paying taxes.
    That’s the way it goes, isn’t it?

    “…just another DEI initiative. If they’re not gonna breed, they may as well fight.”
    Equal rights, equal responsibilities. I’m all for it. Service conveys citizenship!

    “…and for those pissed-off French, German, Dutch, Spanish and Belgian farmers, this:”
    True, sadly the “promise” from the EC is just an election stunt and will never be acted on after the elections are over. As is the norm with election promises.

    1. In the era of “self-identification matters more than biology”, if blacks don’t have to pay taxes then I predict a massive demographic shift as people who thought they were White suddenly get in touch with their inner African.

  2. Regarding the Blue helmet rapists. The leader was an Ethiopian Marxist, who would have ever seen that coming?……….Oh wait, KDT did.

  3. The Hertz fiasco is baffling to me. It’s not something that’s being run out of Uncle Cletus’ garage, it’s a sizable enterprise. It appears they didn’t do any market research!? Or hell, just some basic bean counting before jerking off to this fantasy? Ye gods.

    Re: migrant loyalty – a friend of mine had a contract in the 90s putting up telephone & power poles in the desert Southwest. It paid quite well, but it was brutal, back-breaking labor in the desert heat. He wound up hiring Mexican green cards almost exclusively. He maintained it was a rare gringo who would be reliable, let alone up to the task.

    1. the Hertz fiasco isn’t because EVs don’t work, but because Hertz trades in its rental cars rapidly (sometimes mere months after adding them to the fleet) and EVs depreciate rapidly when young, thus for Hertz the total cost of ownership is very high.

      For people who keep them 5-7 years or more (like most regular owners do) that’s not really an issue as by that age the depreciation (in percentage of new value) is roughly the same as that of a petrol powered car.

      Taking mine as an example for operational expenses, those are over time lower than for a similar petrol powered car. Fewer moving parts to wear out and need tuning and replacement make for easy and relatively cheap maintenance. In the over 4 years I’ve owned mine I’ve had no expenses on the electric motor or the HV electrical system. The only failing part was the driver side door lock, and that’s identical to petrol fueled cars of the same brand and was covered under warranty.

  4. Journalist bonked men in 25 countries?
    So I guess both sets of lips flap in the breeze

  5. The self-checkouts at the military Quick Stop convenience store are so difficult to use they have a cashier operating them for the customers. The good thing is she can run two of them at the same time.

  6. Good for the farmers in the EU. I hope their un-elected bureaucracy crumbles.

    Sounds like the woman who toured 25 countries on her back may have been sex trafficked.

    no reparations. Make your own way or go back to your ancestral homelands. I don’t care if you go back to Europe, Asia or Africa. Just git!

    MSNBC/LSD, CNN etc they’re current staff and past staff is nothing but a bunch of ignorant news readers with marxist writers. Who cares what they say?

    Pence is still alive? who knew?

    The only problem with the Hertz CEO being let go is that he’ll get another job someplace for excessive compensation.

    Self checkouts need to go away. Hire more cashiers. Shoplifting at the Dollar G? who cares. People wil steal anything they can because afterall, it’s still free and that’s one more dollar they can spend on vices rather than crap from the ChiComs.

    I saw the report on Tyson Foods seeking to hire illegal aliens. They need to get the Bud Light treatment.

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