1. Kackle-A Harris gives lessons to help “empower” the next generation of female leaders.

    hey look! it’s my ex finally putting her skills on public display!! Nope, I’m all out of bail money.

  2. The Queen of the Weiners competition involves not just a parallel (not series) hot dog eating contest but also the Lewinsky Memorial Human Humidor contest.

  3. This wasn’t what H. P. Lovecraft meant when he talked about Cthulhu and the Deep Ones, is it?

  4. How to find the area of a circle:

    Engineers: πr²

    Girls at parties that engineers don’t get invited to: See image above.

  5. Suddenly, the three ‘ambassadors’ from the future reveal their tentacle oral organs… and suddenly — although not completely unexpectedly — they immediately consume the band’s bass player!
    As other potential ‘buffet’ victims run screaming in terror, the alien band plays on… minus that tasty bass player!
    As the band fine-tunes their vocals only moments before their second set of the wedding, the bass player hits that all-important low ‘E’!
    Finally exposed after decades of speculation, several members of the hollywood ‘elite’ enjoy their grubs while warming their cold-blooded bodies in the glorious southern California sun!

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