1. “… The video allegedly shows Djuan Eskridge “distinctively wearing black sneakers”…

    How does one “distinctively wear” sneakers or anything else? Was he wearing them around his neck like a necklace? Had he set them on fire before he made his approach? Inquiring minds want to know. Plus he hit daddy 31x. There had to have been some flyers. So he prolly fired 35 or 40x? Extended mag, multiple mags/weapons? Ye gods, the state of journalism. I grew up watching a documentary called The Jetsons, and it promised flying cars by now. Don’t believe the media. No more fake news!

  2. Also liked ‘…of first-degree RECKLESS homicide and…’ !
    As opposed to …. what ?
    ‘careful homicide’ , or
    ‘well-planned homicide’ or
    ‘carefully executed homicide’, ? (pun intended)

  3. I call “fake news”. A black kid who knew is father? Next they’ll say he’s an Olympic swimmer!

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