1. Cool movie. But Clint is kinda a tool. He’s gone back and forth in gun control. Can’t trust him. Another Hollywood scumbag.

  2. I LOATHE spaghetti westerns. Horrible Italian actors made horribler by the asinine dubbed dialogue, paint-by-numbers screenplays, melodramatic soundtracks, super duper extreme close-ups so we can count the Italian nose hairs… and would someone please shove that harmonica up Charles Bronson’s ass?

    Many thanks.

    1. I grew up on spaghetti westerns and loved them as a kid. By then (mid-70’s) they were re-runs we’d watch on TV, heavily censored.

      Decades later I re-watched some as an adult and thought to myself, WTF? Horrible direction, horrible dialog, no sense of history, no understanding of the American west, etc. Finally realized they were just a product of their time, much the same way as every other movie today is some stupid superhero stuff with bad CGI. Cashing in on a box office trend. Movie making is a business, after all.

    1. +++ The dark-haired singer Tuva Semmingsen (wah wah wah…) has a wonderful voice in several genres.

  3. Check out this take on the theme song:


    I enjoy the unusual cinematography and music. The plots are rehashed from classic tales, just like most of our favorite westerns, but the large vistas and the extreme close-ups add interest. Jack Elam dealing with the fly is classic, but I agree that Charles Bronson should give the harmonica a rest.

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