News Roundup

…and on we go with Pre-Christmas News:

...we’re never going to get rid of this asshole organization unless we go all Timmy McVeigh on them.  Thank you, Harry Truman.

...yeah, I remember back in the day that when (White) people said that about your lot, it was a Bad Thing.

...I don’t know who to shoot first:  the council, or the neighbor who bought a house next door to a chicken farm.

In Media News:

Great Moments In Marketing:

...kills cancer, makes you horny;  sounds perfect.  Now about that name… someone call Adrian Wappkaplett.

From the Great Cultural Assimilation Project:

...let’s hear it for liberal immigration policies.

And speaking of undocumented immigrants:

...hell, maybe they just looked like aliens:

And in Presidential Idiocy News:

...considering that the shooter was 67 years old, I’m surprised he’s not pushing a “No One Under 70” gun ban.  And:

...I know it may be a stupid question at this point, but can anyone point me to the part in the Constitution where it says the president can do this?

And now, some serious INSIGNIFICA:

...I always thought she was the prettiest of the 60s crowd:


And from my private “Roll In The Hay” collection:

And on that agricultural note, it’s time to sign off.  Wait, there’s one more thing:

Enquiring minds wanna know.


  1. The Shrimp hasn’t held up too badly, Twiggy neither. Sad fact of life, women usually become old hags. But check out Margaret Gardiner today. That’s a class act.

  2. shoot the council first so that their poxy rulings are eliminated. That might be enough to get the neighbor in line.

    It’s time to close borders to mass migration. If your shithole country sucks that bad, pick up a rifle and change it.

    Never heard of Jean Shrimpton but I’m glad to be aware of her now.

    The effort to remove the UN is futile. Just stop sending them money or drastically cut their payments. Be late with the payments. As much as I hate to say it, send the money to NYC to pay for the parking and traffic fines incurred by the “diplomats” at the UN


  3. The chicken farmer ought to ask the council to show up around 5 a.m., or so and show him how to silence a chicken without killing it or harming it. When they can’t figure it out perhaps the members of the council can pull out their wallets and buy the farmer’s neighbor some noise cancelling headphones.

    Barbara Streisand hints she’ll never make another movie? There IS a God! Her time has long passed. Most movie goers would ask “Barbara who?” Maybe Netflix wants to waste more millions on a movie starring her.

    Jean Shrimpton, eh? She were a pretty little thing.

  4. Kim, I thought you were more modest than to digitally display your horse cock. Shame on you for making the rest of us feel so small.

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