News Roundup

…and in my case, the early morning sun.  Anyway, let’s see what the news had to offer us last week:

...let’s give the man the benefit of the doubt, here:  there are a couple hundred good reasons why someone would carry an AR-15 near the Capitol.

In Global Cooling Climate Warming Change© News: reports from Minneapolis or Green Bay, though.

Now let’s look in at the Great Cultural Assimilation Project:

...joining the Scandi countries in this initiative.

A Technology Newsflash:

...betting is that the crushed guy was a lifelong Democrat voter, in which case the robot can be forgiven its confusion.

And still more technology, or rather, reversing technology:

...sadly, this is not the beginning of a trend.  I’ve seen the numbers (as a consultant to supermarket chains, remember) and the savings are just too great, in an industry which still runs on 1.75% net margins.

And now, in Wildlife News: confirmation that her name was Mary.

...acting like Southside Chicagoans, in other words.  Still on bears:

...remember, kids:  shoot, shovel and shut up.  And for the “shoot” part, I can recommend the following (stainless because it’s kinda humid out there):
...the latter loaded with slugs, as extra-special anti-bear medicine. 

Time for a Glueball Jewhate update:

...yeah, guys:  that’s really sticking it to the Infidel.  You chumps. suggestion:

In Travel News:

...yeah, I’ve flown coach on American too;  it’s no picnic.

And in the ever-uninteresting category known as INSIGNIFICA:

        ...for “star-studded”, read “well-worn vaginas”.

And still on that note [sic], there’s Entertainment News: long as it’s Kylie Minogue and not Lizzo.  Here’s the helium-voiced Kylie:



…and here’s Lizzo:

Nah, just kidding.

And that’s it for the news.


  1. On the self-checkout controversy (though I’ve nowhere near your expertise): I suspect that profit margins will fall industrywide as the public — ever slow to act — reacts to the continuing push toward unpaid labor.

  2. Self-service checkout……
    Wikipedia: “In the United States, the late 19th-century ideas for favoring a minimum wage also coincided with the eugenics movement. As a consequence, some economists at the time, including Royal Meeker and Henry Rogers Seager, argued for the adoption of a minimum wage not only to support the worker, but to support their desired semi- and skilled laborers while forcing the undesired workers (including the idle, immigrants, women, racial minorities, and the disabled) out of the labor market. The result, over the longer term, would be to limit the nondesired workers’ ability to earn money and have families, and thereby, remove them from the economists’ ideal society.”
    Omelets, us has ’em

  3. RE: Having sex on stage.

    I believe Wendy O. Williams of the Plasmatics was doing that in the late 70s and early 80s.

    1. I remember seeing her on MTV when I was 11 or 12 and feeling very ….interested. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was interested IN, but she had my complete and undivided attention.

  4. Lizzo below the fold? that’s probably the only time I didn’t read below the fold on your page.

    If “protestors” lay in the road or block traffic then the deserve to be hit with cars, beaten and dragged away.


  5. Drunken bears are a known problem, as are moose, elk, and many other animals using snow plowed right of ways for travel corridors

    Even in summer, things happen. A friend destroyed half a dairy herd at speed, when someone left a gate open and the herd wandered onto the tracks. His brakeman got sick washing the windshields so they could see the rest of the way home. I saw the roundhouse laborers hosing down the lead engine to remove the hay and hooves.

    Which body count would be higher? Hunting seasons are limited. Highways are open 24/7 nights, weekends, & holidays!

    1. A good friend of mine unsuccessfully attempted to drive under a horse while crossing open range land in Colorado. He may have been going a lot too fast for the conditions, but it was a bright summer day. His estate was billed for the horse. And another was fined for taking an elk out of season with a Buick and no tag.

  6. You ungrateful motherfuckers should bow down in reverent obeisance whenever the hallowed name of American Airlines is mentioned (apologies for possible redundancy; this is a go-to rant of mine):

    Due to a certain aspect of my ancestry, I use chopsticks as often as a knife and fork & always take a pair with me when I travel. But NOT on American Airlines! AA accepts its solemn obligation to protect all of you from the likes of me. American Airlines (Propeller Beanie Upon Them) understands how the slant-eyed among us like nothing better than to lurk on airplanes, deviously twirling our mustaches, looking for unwary travelers to stab, skewer & impale. With our chopsticks. They confiscated my fucking hashi. To prevent me from weaponizing them. Against you. If you’ve ever flown with AA (PBUT) you owe them your very lives. So get on your knees you drooling gaijin, and shout ARIGATO to the heavens. DO IT NOW!

    So let it be written, so let it be done.

    1. Tell the AA and TSA Gestapo that the bamboo thingies are your emotional support chopsticks and you should be good to go.
      Either that or make sure your chopsticks are less than 1.5″ in length.

  7. There is already sex on stage in the form of Burlesque, strip clubs and I am sure other venues who put on even more graphic displays. You can even get live streaming on the internet I am told.


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