Classic Beauty: Brigitte Bardot

People who weren’t around at the time, or who weren’t aware of Brigitte Bardot probably cannot understand the effect she had on the world in the early 1960s.  She literally defined the term “sex kitten”, and many of those who followed her in that appellation simply don’t compare.


She simply exuded sex appeal, and was the object of many a callow lad’s fantasies.  And I was no exception.


  1. Agree that she was gorgeous. But the thought crosses my mind as to why so many of these beauties age horribly. (saw pics of B Fonda today…oy vey) By the time they hit their 40s(not particularly old mind ya) I can’t bare to look at her and others. Some sort of self hatred.

  2. Kim, you really are behind the times.
    “Early 60’s”?
    B.B. was the bombshell of 1956, when, with Roger Vadim (who she had married in ’52 when 18), they created “And God Created Woman” – the highest grossing foreign film in the USA up to that time.
    Then, when 40 (and you know how you like aged women – and 40 in 1974 in the entertainment business, was practically ancient) she did a spread in PLAYBOY.
    B.B. – the International Sex Kitten!

  3. I’m not feeling it. I never have regarding La Bardot and I don’t think it’s because she’s old enough to be my mother … so is Ava Gardner and wow! Anyway, I’ve always felt there was a vaguely unwashed quality about Bardot … that she probably smelled like Gauloises, dirty hair, and stale, French B.O. Not that bathing her might not be fun, but still. Come to think of it, this feeling may be general with French actresses, except Deneuve of course, which makes it sound like it’s my problem not theirs. Oh, well.

    1. “I’ve always felt there was a vaguely unwashed quality about Bardot … that she probably smelled like Gauloises, dirty hair, and stale, French B.O.”

      Is it so wrong to admit that this may be a little bit of a turn-on?

  4. I see your 1950’s B.B. and raise you:
    1960’s Francoise Hardy, actress in Grand Prix, but she could sing!

  5. BB-meh, Jane fonda (pre vietnam)-ok, Sophia Loren- Oh, God, please. Annette Funicello- when I was a lad, she really got my attention. Some perspective- I’ll be 75 in 2 weeks.

  6. I am too young to remember when she was the thing, while she is/was very pretty – she looks too much like my did at that age (or my niece/sister’s clone does now).

    I am not from Alabama, so IDK – doesn’t really do it for me beyond a general aesthetic appreciation.

  7. Unlike some other vintage beauties (say, Jane Seymour) Father Time has not been kind to Ms. Bardot.

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