Reader Recommendation

From Reader and Commenter ChaddInFl comes this:

I recently finished the first and only series of a German Netflix series called Kleo. It’s set in late ‘80s/early ‘90s Berlin. The title character is a young Stasi assassin who is denounced and imprisoned after completing an important assassination in West Berlin. She is released from her East German prison in 1990, during the time between the fall of the Berlin Wall and German reunification… and boy is she pissed. It turns out that all the GDR big wigs have taken their ill-gotten millions and fled for balmier climes.

It’s a well-produced and well-written show. The main character and her primary antagonist (a West German cop) are both relatable and well developed. I’ve recommended this to everyone in my daily life, so I thought I’d send it to the author of my favorite blog.

Thankee Chadd for the kind words.  As it happens, I’ve seen the show and it’s as good as he says it is.  Please note, however, that it is more of a black comedy (cf. Tarantino) than realistic, and often veers into near-fantasy, especially in the flashbacks.

And tell me that Jella Haase is not an inspired bit of casting as the assassin Kleo:

Dead eyes, if ever I’ve seen them.


  1. Concur on the show. Can’t agree on the eyes. I think they’re expessive and very low on the Linda Ronstadt scale of dead doll’s eyes. Very hot babe.

  2. I spent a little time in Berlin in the summer of ‘93, courtesy of Uncle Sam, and there was still a bit of the Wild West feel about the place. Plus, I was 21 years old and Berlin was absolutely flooded with beautiful young East German, Polish and Czech girls looking for a better life in the West. I don’t think any of them were ex-Stasi assassins, though.

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