1. Assuming that is in a northern clime of the US I find that little peninsula absolutely charming.

    If I lived there the tent would be gone and in it’s place a small, say, 12’x12′ off grid cabin would be installed and I would probably spend a lot of time there.

    Drop a hook, catch a feesh, hang it over a fire, chow down like a big dawg. Ahhhhh…..nirvana.

    1. Ghost,
      There’s a house in the upper left corner I believe. But when you have a big enough piece of land, a nice off grid cabin is a nice option to “rough” it.


  2. That is the River Tweed in Scotland (or possibly England).
    More than likely that is a yurt, or what passes for a yurt in England. Might be some temporary camp for a shooting party (if that were my place anyway), set up for victuals and post-hunting refreshments before returning to the main house for a fresh-up, tea and pre-dinner cocktails.

      1. Yes, that the Tweed Bridge in Peebles and the estate in the picture is Old Melrose.
        What a life that must be.

        1. Must be a little less idyllic in January, though.

          Although that could be said about SO many places.

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