Welcome To The Club, Huskers

Finally, some good news for the Second Amendment:

It’s a new day in Nebraska, where after years of struggle lawful gun owners can now bear arms in self-defense without having to first obtain a government-issued permission slip.

Gov. Jim Pillen signed LB 77 into law back in April, declaring that the bill upheld the promise made to voters to “protect our constitutional rights and promote commonsense, conservative values” and praising state Sen. Tom Brewer for championing the bill year after year, slowly making progress until the legislation finally had the votes to cross the finish line.

“Nebraskans should not have to pay the government a fee or ask permission for constitutional rights,” said Senator Brewer. “This bill finally delivers on the promises in Nebraska and United States constitutions. I am proud to help Nebraska join twenty-six of our sister states in removing this obstacle to the right to keep and bear arms.”

While the bill was signed into law months ago, its provisions didn’t officially take effect until today, making Nebraska officially the 27th state to recognize the right to bear arms in some form or fashion without the need for lawful gun owners first receive a license.

Why did it take so long?  After all, one would think that in a rural state like Nebraska, they would have been one of the first, not twenty-seventh in line.

Alas, as with so many — maybe even all — states, Nebraska has to deal with two large socialist enclaves:  metropolitan Omaha (home of, for example, devout anti-gunner Warren Buffett), and the college town of Lincoln, home of the Usual Wokist Academia.

I’m just glad to see that the gunnies (take a bow, Tom Brewer) took a leaf from the anti-gunner assholes and never gave up, chipping away at the gun nannies’ position until victory came a-calling.


  1. Great for Nebraska and the 27 states that recognize that the constitution is the document to be followed.

    Unfortunately, I am behind enemy lines in communist Massachusetts. The clowns running the show in Mass are trying to pass anti gun bill HD4420, all while they provide free housing, food, medical care, drivers licenses and schooling to illegal immigrants.

    Massachusetts is a leftist nuthouse.


  2. Here in Hoosierville this year they said no license is required, as it should be. 2 years ago when I renewed I got the lifetime license and still carry it in my wallet, just in case.

  3. CoffeeMan,
    I’m a little further south than you behind enemy lines. Our scoundrels passed HB6667 earlier this year.

    Nice to see Nebraska get rid of their equivalent of the poll tax for the Second Amendment.


    1. Thank you for the heads up. I was not aware of HB6667.

      I have an out of state CT permit.

      I see one change is no carrying of a firearm in any place that serves alcohol.
      It used to be as long as you don’t consume alcohol. Which I don’t even drink.
      Wow. So that’s like many restaurants.

      That’s a back door way to stop people from carrying.

      Un fucking real these scumbag politicians

      There is exemptions for police and govt written in that scenario. Of course. So the politicians can be protected.

      1. HB6667 was passed in CT. I don’t recall the bill number pushing its way through Beacon Hill’s cess pit of terror


  4. This idea did not originate with me, but I’d love to see a state-level version of the electoral college, whereby each county in the state gets one vote. This would negate big cities speaking for an entire state.

    Hey, I can dream, can’t I?

    Did I ever mention this before here? I know I did SOTI.

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