
So this prime pair:

…needed some painting done in their little love nest, but when they asked one house painter to do the job, they got this reply:

Needless to say, the fegelehs  are “outraged”.  And so am I.

While it is absolutely within anyone’s right to turn down work — for any reason — this little painter needs to get a good swift smack:  not for refusing to work for homosexuals, but for using her religion publicly as an excuse not to do so. Sheesh, could she not just have said, “Sorry, but my work schedule is really full right now, so I can’t do the job”?  Of course not:  she had to use this situation to loudly proclaim her faith — the kind of thing that gives all religious adherents a bad name.  And I know that lying is typically taboo, but FFS there’s a reason they’re called “white lies”:  a falsehood that is used out of politeness or manners to avoid causing offense.

(I typically refer to people like this as “asshole Christians”, although I should also point out that when I once read about a Muslim chick refusing to work in a supermarket’s meat department because it would mean touching pork products, I referred to her in similar terms.)

Now, of course, some other asshole in government (is there another kind?) is going to get all puffed up and outraged too, and as day follows night, regulation and/or law is going to follow — which outrages me — and laws like this will be used to bludgeon people like bakers who refuse, for the same reasons as Painter Polly, to make cakes for soon-to-be-married lesbos.

And all civility is lost, and the lawyers get rich.

As for our two nesting gayboys:  it’s not like the world of interior decorating is devoid of people of similar inclination to yours.  Just find one — it will not be difficult — and stop making a production about it.

Everyone involved in this sad little tale needs to be smacked about the head with a Cluebat®.


  1. I wonder how said devout radical Christian would react if he were refused service because of his religious beliefs.
    I think he’d be outraged and instantly sue for religious discrimination.

    Take it or leave it pal, you can’t have it both ways.

  2. Been running my architectural design business since 1986, over 7000 projects to date, never turned down a single job. Lost some because of a constantly slammed schedule. But I never gave good money away.

    When it comes to business, in my opinion, the first thing is the money (otherwise, why be in business – just go get a job and skip the hassle), and everything else is in a distant 2nd place.

    When the client thanks you profusely for a well done job, tells you that he is going to recommend you to some friends, and hands you a big, fat check, it’s a great feeling.

    If a client would happen to (and it has never happened to me) decide to tell me about his personal proclivities I would firmly tell him his personal business is not mine and to never distract the conversation again.

    It’s all about “control”. Either you control your life and your business or you let others control them. I was born a control freak and will die as one.

  3. Rolling my eyes at the outrage, from all sides. The fudge packers went public specifically so you COULD be outraged, but are not disclosing their full names. To their credit, they’re not identifying the painter – assuming she exists; an assumption I’m not willing to take at face value – in which case, why bother nailing themselves to this cross? Why not do what any other grownup would’ve done: find another painter, you fucking drama queens. It’s all about the endless altar calls, summoning faithful to curtsy at the Holy Church of Woke. Amen. And Awoman.

    On a related note, I’m looking forward to the day someone solicits a Muslim baker or sign maker, and asks their order to be emblazoned with “Muhammad was illiterate.” Or better yet “Muhammad was a pedophile.”

  4. stop making a production about it.

    These are homos Kim. Drama is what they *live* for!

    As for the paintress, yeah, she should’ve lied, or even just declined without giving a reason. No one is entitled to the labor of others.

    I really wish someone would come up with a cure for sexual deviance. The celebration of evolutionary dead-ends really grinds my gears.

  5. I’m going respectfully disagree here. Actually, I’m going let go with a cuss-filled rant. Sorry in advance.

    We’ve tried tolerance. We’ve tried the “love is love” BS. We’ve allowed gays to marry. We shut-up about slippery slope and how homosexuality is a sin. We’ve kept quiet about our religion long enough (and it’s not “radical” – it’s right there in the fucking Bible). And what do we have now? We have motherfucking queers and drag queens slut dancing for kindergarten classes. We got naked fag parades everywhere in the name of “pride”. We got the stupidest fad – the Trans thing – going on with underage girls and boys being permanently mutilated by doctors all to satisfy pedophile predators. We got them calling normal people Cis – whatever the fuck that is. We got men in dresses insulting real women by calling vaginas a “bonus hole”. And we were the ones mocked for the slippery slope argument, even though we were right all along.

    I think it’s time to bring back religious shaming. I think it’s way past time to try to put that genie back in the bottle. Impossible? Maybe. But if the 95% of us who aren’t mentally ill or sexually deviant start telling these twinks that no, we don’t want their money, we’re not going to work for them, we don’t want to associate with them in any manner, maybe we can start reversing the damage they have caused to society. It may not do much, but it’s a start.

    And the first fucking pedophile grown-ass man in a dress who tries to slut dance in front of my grandchildren better already have a plot picked out for his eternity.

    There, I’ve fed-poasted enough.

    1. So you’re going to stop serving divorcees?
      Single mothers?
      Insist that men who fathered illegitimate children self identify so you can stop serving them?
      Ban shrimp cocktail (because THAT is in the bible too)?

      1. I’m addressing a growing ill in our society. For the most part I think you should treat people (strangers, customers, random neighbors) with reserved politeness as a general salve to society. I don’t agree with a lot of things, but mostly I keep my mouth shut. Generally, be nice (but carry a big stick).

        Divorce has caused it’s problems, as do neglectful parents and shrimp cocktails (shrimp should be fried or grilled, but that’s a personal decision). But the homo thing, with all its iterations, is a present and growing danger. So I think we should address it. As well as the general super-liberal woke crowd. And commies, too. Don’t forget the fucking commies.

        As for shrimp cocktail? Note that in the NT, we were given the right to eat basically anything so the unclean stuff of the OT doesn’t apply to Christians. I’m guessing that’s where you got that?

    2. While I am on full sympathy with your rant I also feel, sadly, that the toothpaste is long out of the tube.

  6. the painter should have either said they were busy or thrown a telephone number at the quote with outrageous payment terms like 50% upon signing the contract and the other 50% before the work starts or some other such nonsense.


  7. It seems to me that there is a difference in taking a job for a homosexual couple that is rather mundane and taking a job for a homosexual couple that confers an endorsement and/or celebrates that life.

    Slapping a couple coats of egg shell paint on four walls is NOT an endorsement nor is it a celebration of what they choose to do. Likewise would be auto repair, appliance repair/installation, tech support, etc.

    Baking a wedding cake (which ostensibly must be delivered), photographing their wedding, hosting their wedding, etc. does IMO confer an endorsement and/or willingness to celebrate said life and I think a line can be reasonably drawn.

    That said, it is ultimately up to the individual which jobs they take and which jobs they don’t. However, you don’t get to escape the consequences of your decisions, especially when you try to hedge your refusal in your religious convictions. Like it or not, Big-Gay sets the narrative for these things and picking your battles seems to be the wiser course of action in this moment. Jesus talked about being as innocent as doves and as shrewd as serpents. This particular individual doesn’t strike me as all that shrewd.

  8. Seems if the painter exists and didn’t want to do the job, she should have just provided an exorbitant quote. Triple what would normally be charged. If it’s accepted, smile, hide your pain, and take the money.

  9. why must the gay and other sexual lifestyles be accepted while other lifestyles can be dismissed and disdained such as Christianity? Once the gays demanded tolerance. Now they demand acceptance and to be embraced and encouraged. Many in their group have become militant alphabet mafia. They parade their hedonism and debauchery in our streets and any push back to them is viciously attacked. No one really cares what you do in the PRIVACY of your own home but make sure the shades are drawn and everyone is a consenting adult. The problem is that the alphabet mafia shoves in everyone’s faces with their parades, flags etc throughout our culture. For a slim portion of our population, gay characters make up a disproportionate number of characters on television and in movies.

    WHy is it wrong for the Christian painter or cake baker to put their religion on public display but other groups are encouraged to put their lifestyle on display?


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