Righteous Stabbing

Not a shooting this time;  but it reminds me of the old saying, “If guns are outlawed, may we use swords?”

Seems as though some asswipe was hassling a couple on a NYC subway train, and when the hassling became dangerous, the male of the couple produced a knife and stuck it in the choirboy’s chest, the latter assuming room temperature soon thereafter.

But wait!  There’s more!

Of course, because this happened in NYfC, Our Hero was arrested and the fuzz set about charging him with murder, unlawful use of a kitchen implement, terminal frightening or whatever stupid laws they have in New York these days.

BUT:  after reviewing all the facts, all charges were dropped because, and I quote,

“Under New York law, a person is justified in using deadly physical force when they reasonably believe it is necessary to use such force to defend themselves or others from imminent use of deadly or unlawful physical force.”

Sounds more like Texas or Florida than NYFC, but whatever.

And speaking of quotes, let’s hear it from the late choirboy’s family:

Ouedraogo’s younger sister Marina said she believes the dismissal was “just wrong,” The New York Times reported. “It is sending a signal that basically any one of us can carry a weapon.”

Well, yeah… welcome to the Second Amendment, honey.

Full details here.

Never Mind All That Heritage Nonsense

We’ve all seen how brands like Bud Light fucked up their consumer franchise by stupid marketing.

Image what we’d be saying if, say a decade ago, Bud Light had simply stopped making and selling their beer.  “Throwing away the market” would have been a common refrain.

So what does one say when confronted by this:

What bullshit is this?  For decades, multiple decades, Marlin pretty much owned the rimfire rifle market — at one time, more Marlin Model 60s had been sold all over the world than any other gun model, period.  The 795 was also popular — I’ve owned two, myself, and the only reason I don’t still own them is that they ended up being (much-treasured) birthday gifts for the young son and daughter of a good friend.  (Now in their mid-twenties — hi, Robin and Jimmy! — they still own them and plink with them all the time.)

Hey, Marlin:  fuck you.  Fuck you for “stopping production” of your rimfire rifles.  Fuck you for trashing your proud heritage, and fuck you for giving us less choice in the market.

And for all those people who will say, “Oh, people stopped buying them;  what do you expect?” I say again, with equal vehemence, bullshit.  If people stop buying a product, it’s either because it’s shit — flimsy, unreliable, too expensive etc. — or because… [wait for it] …the company stopped marketing the product.

We know that product quality was never a problem for Marlin’s rimfire rifles — any of them, despite the rifles being inexpensive — so it’s not that.  But I don’t recall seeing an ad or promotion for the Model 60 in… actually, I don’t remember ever seeing an ad or promotion for the Model 60, and until recently I was a voracious reader of almost all the gun magazines.  And when I bought my Model 60 back in the mid-1980s, it was very definitely either the #1 or #2-selling rimfire rifle on the market at the time.

And there’s nothing worse than reading “…is perfect for target practice and small game”  and then, having created the setup, to read:  “oh but too bad, we don’t make it anymore;  sucks to be you.”

Marlin had a good name and a brilliant set of products, and they pissed it all away.

It’s just shameful.  There’s no other word for it.

Very Interesting

Comparing the FN 5.7x28mm hot rod to the humble .22 WMR boolet’s performance in ballistic gel, firing through Level II armor:  please Sir, may I have some more?

I did not expect that, and I have to admit, I’m feeling a lot better about the .22 Mag (of which I own a hem hem  adequate sufficiency), especially as my stock of 5.7x28mm = zero.

I would love to see how the .22 Mag performs when fired out of my Marlin 882 SSV 22″ HB rifle into the same media.

Just out of scientific curiosity, of course.

Monday Funnies

Today’s Monday Lament is on behalf of all my long-suffering Lady Readers, who have somehow stuck with me over the years despite an appalling lack of female-oriented, not to say actually misogynistic content on this, my back porch.

So here we go, ladies:


And something that may help my Lady Readers’ week to begin on a better note:

…and if in today’s Funnies I’ve missed the mark horribly… well, waddya expect?  My entire life has been one long series of catastrophes caused by not knowing how a woman’s mind works.

I love you all, anyway.