Monday Funnies

Today’s Monday Lament is on behalf of all my long-suffering Lady Readers, who have somehow stuck with me over the years despite an appalling lack of female-oriented, not to say actually misogynistic content on this, my back porch.

So here we go, ladies:


And something that may help my Lady Readers’ week to begin on a better note:

…and if in today’s Funnies I’ve missed the mark horribly… well, waddya expect?  My entire life has been one long series of catastrophes caused by not knowing how a woman’s mind works.

I love you all, anyway.


  1. What makes a woman’s mind work?

    Giving her flowers for no apparent reason.

    1. Her mind will work, all right. First thought, and at full volume, and with no way to change the subject, will be “WHAT THE HELL HAS HE DONE NOW?!?

      (I love you, dear. Just kidding. Now put the gun back in the safe, honey.)

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