There He Goes Again

…Steve Milloy, that is, using actual data (!) to prove — as he’s being doing pretty much ever since I can remember — that the Eco-Loons are a bunch of lying assholes:

Not a single extreme weather event can be:

1. Factually shown to be unprecedented; or

2. Scientifically shown to be linked to emissions.

This, in the middle of a heatwave both here and in Europe that is nowhere close to what’s happened in the recent past, let alone in the long-ago pre-SUV era when, as he points out, Greenland was once completely ice-free, and had been for centuries.  And even now, as people have been buying more and more large SUVs and trucks:

“No global warming in almost 9 years despite 500 billion tons of emissions.”

You fool, Milloy:  it’s not global warming, it’s Global Cooling Climate Warming Change©.

Maybe at some point some kind of collective — wait, “common”? — sense will kick in, and we’ll stop listening to the climate alarmists and implementing their insane policies.

Just not while we’re being governed by addled fools like Joe Biden and his cabal of watermelons.


  1. “common? — sense will kick in, and we’ll stop listening to the climate alarmists and implementing their insane policies”

    Apparently you don’t understand religious fervor. We’ll have to burn you. you’re clearly a witch.

  2. Newspaper here this morning had 2 articles, side by side.
    One announcing that due to global warming Europe would be uninhabitable within a few years.
    One that due to climate change Europe would be facing an ice age in a few years.
    I kid thee not.

    1. SOP for left wing loons –
      Just keep beating that drum. Never stop. Pay no attention to the
      ‘deniers’, just keep marching, chanting, and beatin’ that drum !!

  3. Nothing we do can compare to completely natural geological phenomena. Exhibit A is the recent (~20k years ago) Ice Age. Exhibit B is the Year Without a Summer (1816 following the Mount Tambora eruption).

  4. Here in Phoenix, we’ve had some 27 days with high temps over 110 degrees. The Climate Wahoos are running around screaming that the world is coming to an end before they spontaneously combust. More level-headed folks just call it summer and go about their daily business, even outside. We’ve suffered through all manner of “experts” telling us that we’re all going to melt into a pool of goo, then dry up and blow away.

    So (nerd-wannabee that I am) I began looking for some numbers. You know, science.

    In 1950, the population of Phoenix was 221,000. This year, it’s estimated to exceed 4,717,000. What does this mean? Think for a moment. Where have we put all these people? Trust me, most of us have resisted the urge to burrow underground and live like gophers. Over the many years, we have built thousands of acres of ranch-style houses. We have paved hundreds of miles of streets, and even some freeways. Nowadays we have high rises, shopping malls, warehouses, factories and parking lots for all these transplants from the Midwest and refugees from California. Pretty much all of that construction has been made of things like concrete, steel, and asphalt, all of which absorb heat from out fine summer sunshine and slowly release it during the nighttime hours. When we have nearly a month of effing high temps like this, we just don’t have enough dark hours to vent it off.

    All this growth has caused us to forego things like trees and lawns (many people have stones in their yards and call it “desert landscaping.”) The terrible winters east of us are causing people to seek relief here where often the nearest snow is in Flagstaff. But think about this glo-bull warming for just a minute. The sun isn’t any hotter. The days aren’t longer. We’re not living in a giant greenhouse. I don’t think we need “climate” control.

    I think we need birth control.

    1. I think you need a border wall on the California and New Mexico sides with visa requirements, to keep the Leftist loonies out.

      1. I have said that before in these pages. The wall should begin in Yuma and follow the California-Oregon-Washington border North to Canadia. New Mexicans can migrate south to Mexico. Coloradans will be given free passage west to the Peoples Republic of Pacifica, never to return.

  5. While I do get the ‘Watermelon’ reference to ‘green outside, red inside’, I think it should be edited slightly.

    SEEDLESS Watermelons

  6. As I mentioned in these hallowed pages, the latest greatest taxes skim-scam is called ‘Weather Dithering ‘.
    And, apparently, the other latest greatest taxes skim-scam was proclaimed by TheWhiteHouse®…
    … their permanent Office Of Pandemics Preparedness something something.
    In today’s mail, you can expect your bill for the cure.

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