1. Channel is fun but not known for its accuracy 🙂
    Guy has dozens of channels, he doesn’t do the deepest of fact checking.

    Crop dusters with rocket launchers and small guns have been proposed many times over the decades for COIN operations in low threat environments, and probably used in several conflicts in Africa, Asia, and maybe South America.

    They were proposed to the US government as a cheap way to arm the Afghan armed forces for fighting the Taliban.

  2. Used to be called O2 Skymaster, then OV-10 Bronco. Later, the more potent, more expensive A10 Warthog for that multipurpose role.
    Now we start the cycle over again. Pentagon boys and their toys. When they finish this cycle, I have no doubt it’ll be repurposed F-35’s at $13 gazillion each.
    History does indeed repeat itself.

  3. I saw that the other day. It’s very interesting.

    And nobody would use a Jeep; you want a Toyota land cruiser or a Toyota Hilux truck. Check out Top Gear for the latter, but it was the preferred vehicle of insurgents in north Africa and elsewhere.

  4. the amazing part is that this could work and could be rather cheap compared to other military programs.

    The Navy is ditching those Littoral warships or whatever they are called. There were problems with that program right from the start. That program should never have gotten off of the drawing board. The Osprey program has been plagued by problems for decades.


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